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NatchGreyes last won the day on June 25 2021

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  1. NatchGreyes

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    I like that lowii x 'Gothica' What's the first one there (#31)? talangensis x robcantleyi?
  2. I'm going to resurrect this thread to ask if anyone has had further success with fungicides? I have had a curious thing happen with my plants in recent months. They had been growing quite well in a terrarium in my office. Then, suddenly, they began declining. At first, I suspected that the night times must not be getting cold enough (or something similar) any more. As a consequence, I took the plants home, but took the precaution of isolating them individually. Some, have recovered quite well. Others, of the same age, but different species, have continued to have bizarre and harmed growth. One has died. I am suspecting that a fungus has caused this harm as other plants - new plants - are doing perfectly well in the same set-up with the same media/etc. The only difference is that they are isolated from one another. I would like to treat the ones doing poorly, but first wanted to see if anyone has had better luck with fungicides, particularly ones available in the US.
  3. I have fans almost constantly in both my highland and lowland tanks for quite a while now. I've seen no ill effects. (Frankly, it keeps the mold/algae down). I would guess that it would depend on the size of your fan and the power of the wind. I'm using a computer-sized fan for 40 gallon - 55 gallon tanks.
  4. Yes. :) I guess that's not really for me to answer, however. I can tell you about the differences - Cultivating Carnivorous Plants was designed to take the best elements from every carnivorous plant book I could get my hands on (and some non-carnivorous plant books) and improve upon those elements. To that end, you'll see short growing guides for each subgroup within a genus supplemented by detailed discussion of some common plants and tables following chapters that provide even more information. For example, want to know about Pinguicula chilensis? It's from Chile and Argentina, and I'd treat it as a "subtemperate" species. Oh, and by the way, it commonly grows in "damp, peaty meadows or the edges of pool and lakes formed by melt water from glaciers in the south Andean highlands at altitudes from 3,280 -7,218 ft. (1,000 - 2,200 m)." That's information you're not gonna find in the Savage Garden. I also tried to provide detailed chapters about genera, such as Roridula, which aren't discussed at length in many other books. I really wanted to include those genera because many growers - especially slightly advanced growers - are starting to branch out and starting to try more than the common species. And, of course, I also incorporated the latest scientific research when discussing the status of a species. And, I also described a few new cultivars as well as clarified the status of a few plants. There's more, but that's what I can come up with right before dinner.
  5. Hey Everyone! This is a few weeks late, but I'm happy to announce that my guide to growing carnivorous plants, Cultivating Carnivorous Plants, has been published! I tried to make my book more comprehensive than anything else out there. To that end, I included full chapters on a number of genera commonly glossed over in growing guides for carnivorous plants. I also added in tables at the end of chapters which include lists of all known species and important information about growing them. In total, Cultivating Carnivorous Plants includes growing guides and information chapters on: Aldrovanda, Brocchinia, Catopsis, Cephalotus, Darlingtonia, Dionaea, Drosera, Drosophyllum, Genlisea, Heliamphora, Nepenthes, Pinguicula, Roridula, Sarracenia, Triphyophyllum, and Utricularia. I was very happy with the end result and just wanted to share the news. Thanks! Natch
  6. Wow! Those are really fantastic looking plants!
  7. I've also bought plants labeled as BE aristo x ventricosa from a grower. Turns out they were BE aristo x talangensis. Allegedly, the baggies they were sealed in were from BE, meaning someone at BE mislabeled them. You'd really have to wait until that plant gets older to tell for sure, however.
  8. I was using coffee, but it has the tendency to kill live sphagnum. It does work well as a fertilizer, however, just not as well as some other mixes, such as orchid fertilizer.
  9. I really like the micro-ecosystem. Sloping the substrate is a really cool idea. Definitely lets the plant pick where it wants to grow.
  10. Nice! Those are some great photos and species!
  11. The reason is that the profit is so low on each individual sale, you'd be working for pennies per hour if you did this.
  12. Agreed. They don't develop the striped pitchers until very near maturity, at least, in many grower's experiences.
  13. That's awesome! Thanks for keeping us updated!
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