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flycatchers last won the day on July 30 2019

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About flycatchers

  • Birthday 01/24/1958

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    carnivorous plants, cult tv/films, theatre, cats, music, photography, film- making including aerial photography, modern art & installations.

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  1. That’s a shame I missed that! I do remember on the last couple I attended that weren’t that many there anyway. So wondered if they didn’t think it was worthwhile. To me these particular nurseries are the most interesting part of Kew with far more carnivorous plants than anywhere else in the gardens.
  2. Does the CPS still ever do behind the scenes trips to Kew? Or did Covid stop these forever?!
  3. I wonder if I kept it too dry before watering it? Prior to watering it was a little wrinkled at its base. And about a week after watering it started to rot. Despite cutting the base off and a little later removing its new growing point at the top both shrivelled up quite rapidly.
  4. Thanks Richard. Hope it happens once things eventually calm down. I wouldn't have even minded that December trip you did a few years ago but couldn't make because of work. It would have been interesting to see how they overwinter their Neps.
  5. Obviously not at the moment and who knows whether business will be back to any form of normal next year. But I hope in due course that the CPS will be able to do another trip to Kew Gardens tropical private nurseries. Now I have more time on my hands from retirement I can actually manage Saturdays which I used to work on.
  6. Thanks for the replies. Might try again if I can locate a plant. Still learning...
  7. Thanks. But what about rotting off in the summer which is when I usually lose them including this one?
  8. I have over the years tried growing Huernia zebrina successfully but all end up rotting! My last attempt lasted a year grew and them rotted again. It was grown in a small pot with a mix of peat and over 50% or more of perlite. It was very free draining. I watered it roughly every 3 weeks in summer. And about 5 weeks or more in winter. It was on a sunny kitchen windowsill. Though attempts growing in my warm greenhouse over the years went the same way. I got it through last autumn/winter 2019/20 successfully and it had grown at its tip. But went downhill in October this year. Where am I going wrong?
  9. Is Kew Gardens still part of the CPS calendar?
  10. My front garden Sarracenia. Been growing them outside for over ten years now..
  11. Pity as it's useful to see if a person is active still or not! Oh well that's progress!
  12. Can you still search for particular members? In the old days there was a alphabetical list that you could click on. Can't find that or am I looking in the wrong place? cheers bill
  13. Any likely Kew visits this year? cheers bill
  14. I remember a few years ago they held an open day in December which alas I was unable to attend. But although a winter one might seem a bad time to hold one I for one would be interested to see the over wintering conditions that Kew use for example their Nepenthes collection. So even an out of season tour would be good. And if on a Sunday even better as I work Saturdays which makes getting one off a challenge! Which is why plenty of notice is also good. Thanks Richard..
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