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mdeford09 last won the day on July 6 2015

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  1. This is honestly a tough topic to really discuss and get straight perfect answers. I have been growing flytraps for a while. 2016 will be my 10 year mark. I have worked directly with the biggest Flytrap names in the US and still do. Here is something I have learned that I think is HIGHLY important for this thread. Conditions matter more than cultivar name. At least while going with a big named plant. (some named cultivars like Coquillage and Korean Melody Shark don't ever get very big).... But, different areas support bigger growth on different plants. DC XL is a perfect example of this. I know 2 different growers/sellers that currently offer this plant and both have seen this plant reach fairly impressive sizes. But, i currently own so many DC XL I don't have a count. (more than 100) But, I have never seen a trap reach 3.8cm. Same thing goes with FTS Towering Giant. Currently own about 50-60 of them and never seen them get all that impressive. But, I know that they can. I have seen the pictures and have spoken with those who would have seen it first hand in their care. B52 is a bit of a "meh" for me. Because it has impressed me on several occasions but my problem is that it is not very consistent with its size. I have had seasons where I don't get a trap over 3.8cm on any of my B52 but other years where I will get 1-2 traps that get over 4.5cm. And usually, those big traps only come during spring growth and sometimes with first summer growth. But mid summer and fall it becomes very average and ordinary. But, the kicker is a lot of plants tend to do this for me. I have typicals that will, on the rare occasion, put out a massive trap or two. So, I think it is really hard to call any plant a fake giant. While it may certainly be fake (just someone trying to make a money grab), I think the majority of big named plants that are popular are so because for some, they do in fact get really big on occasion. But, which one is going to grow well in the environment you provide, no idea. buy em all and see. I think another big thing to consider is "how often do they get big?". Because so far, only 1 plant gets big a lot and stays big most of the year for me. All other large plants I have grown tend to only have big traps in the spring. So by that standard, if you want a plant that is big all the time, then no plant on the market currently fits that bill and they are all fakes. I mean, would we call "Sawtooth" that name if it only got those saw like teeth on 1-3 traps per year and then looked totally normal the rest of the time? For me, the only constant super giant plant has been SD Kronos. But, it is only really grown in my environment so far (and FlytrapRanch's environment. But, our areas aren't all that different and we're only 6.5hrs away from each other). So it is not really a plant that is available yet and for all I know, once I start shipping them to Europe, they could grow like complete crap there.
  2. I actually totally forgot to come back and post some colorful photos of SD Kronos. Here is one that captured a fly during dormancy a few weeks ago.
  3. yes, the plant gets red. I will take a picture of some of the red traps it is currently showing off. :) All of those pictures were of summertime growth. Most plants do not put out a lot of color during the summer months in my area. I think it is a combination of extreme heat and lots of bugs to munch on. But, now that it is a fall all of my plants are starting to put on some beautiful coloration. So far, SD Kronos actually has a bit of a unique red coloration. It seems to color the cilia faster than the rest of the trap. So you get bright red cilia with a trap that looks to be misted in pink/red... It kind of looks gruesome, haha.
  4. So, the time of SD Kronos being released is nearly upon us. Last night I uprooted my mother pots to send plants to other business owners and I gotta say, holy freaking cow. Biggest plants i have ever had in my hands. I uprooted the big pot I got from Steve on 07/05/15 and all 3 pots were overflowing again by last night. So if you intend on buying an SD Kronos, be prepared for a plant that needs a ton of room cuz baby gets big fast! haha ;) Biggest trap was just under 4.5cm so not too big but, far from small. The rhizomes/corms were over 10cm wide and plump as can be and the biggest plants were over 8" wide. For me, this plant sets the bar for term giant. All year long its bigger than anything else in my collection. It has broke 5cm for me but the trap was blackened and crumbly when trying to measure and take a pic. But, enough from me. This plant is going to speak for itself!
  5. mdeford09


    Can't believe how tiny Big Vigorous is.
  6. here is an updated pic of what the bigger of the pots looks like. It has been through one of the hottest summers my part of Texas has ever seen and still looks this good.
  7. mdeford09

    Shark mirror

    any more pics of other traps or is this the only one showing the mutation?
  8. mdeford09

    Shark mirror

    Would this not be better called Shark Fin?
  9. That would be me :)
  10. It really is amazing to see how that plant makes a 1 inch gnome look so tiny. Even more so considering its nearly august and our growing season starts in February so it is definitely well into summer growth with fall growth right around the corner. :)
  11. Like with Humans, there are only one species. But, like with humans, that one species has a lot of genetic diversity. Because of that diversity, there are different cultivars. Cultivars are kind of like difference races of Venus Flytraps. Again, using humans as an example, there are only 1 species but there are lots of different races(cultivars). Hispanic, Africa, Asian, Caucasian, etc etc. (I swear, one of you better not turn this into a racist rant, lol!) =
  12. Here are some more pics of it, Steve. Even one of it next to a Big Vigorous that is around the same age. I uprooted and kept one mature plant and 1 small division in their own pot. (the one in the comparison photo was 2 growing points but they were so strongly connected, I didn't want to break them apart just yet)
  13. She's a tiny little plant Steve. Biggest trap I have found so far has been right around 5cm (the one in the pic was just the easiest to measure since it is a tangled mess of traps towards the center! lol) and there are dozens over 4cm. Biggest plant, on average, I have ever seen. Can't wait to see what it looks like when it puts up the rare super large traps like B52 and DC XL do on occasion!
  14. I disagree with the humidity comments. Mine is growing here in Texas and the during the summer, the humidity never gets above 60%, even at night. Just mist it once or twice a day and it will grow fine and pitcher like crazy in the high heat. Just don't let the temps drop below 65F or it will grow slower than a sleepy snail moves. If the temps drop below 60F, it will actually get damage from the cold.
  15. simple answer is that it is a "unique flytrap" and nothing else. There are very few, if not none, that you can name on looks alone and doing so is a very bad idea. This is how incorrect plants get labeled as something and then get spread around. Even if i am 99% sure of a plant, I still call it a typical or a unique plant. You should only name a plant if you are 100% sure it is what you are going to name it (and the only way to be certain of it is to know what plant it divided from)
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