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Everything posted by FlytrapCare

  1. Very nice, Lucien! I really like your "LB Petit Papillon"!!
  2. A gorgeous flytrap for sure!! But nothing really unusual about it. It has a normal trap shape and the standard green leaves with red interior traps. The color is good, but that's not uncommon with plants coming from some of the large-scale producers. I've seen quite a few plants on shelves that have been very nicely colored up before being shipped. That's a very, very nice unnamed flytrap for sure!
  3. Whoa!!! So cool Love that freaky flytrap!!
  4. FlytrapCare

    Deep VFTs

    It is usually best to repot annually to avoid flytraps being choked out by moss. I'd highly recommend a repot right now.
  5. Unless they are fed regularly and given an unnaturally long growing season, those baby flytraps are about what I would expect for nearly 2 year old seedlings. They look so cute!
  6. No, that's not true at all. The red coloration on red flytraps changes with light intensity and the changing of the seasons but they never "lose" their red coloration permanently.
  7. Hello fellow Oregonian!! We live just around the corner from you on I-5 in Ashland! There really isn't any trick to acclimating flytraps. They do just fine in most cases being put straight outside. If you live in a sunny and hot place, which you don't, they should be slowly introduced to sun, but this time of year even that isn't necessary in most places. Over on the coast in Winchester Bay, I'd say just put them in a sunny windowsill until this huge storm passes and then try to get them outdoors as often as possible when the weather is above freezing. Good luck with the big storm coming tomorrow :)
  8. Very nice and interesting looking flytrap, Lucien! Congratulations!!
  9. Almost certainly red spider mites. The damage to the traps is unmistakably mite damage.
  10. That's a great looking upright Coquillage
  11. I've noticed this can be related to less than ideal care techniques. If kept too wet in cooler weather or if kept in soil that is degrading, certain plants are more sensitive to these conditions and will struggle. What are your growing conditions and techniques?
  12. I really like it as well! Nice looking plant :)
  13. I really like that one Lucien! Great job :)
  14. Yet another great looking and unique flytrap!
  15. FlytrapCare

    My Dionaea

    Very healthy looking flytraps!
  16. Love Cheerleader! And the Iris looks interesting too.
  17. Yep, easy peasy! There's a brief description and photo of the process here: http://www.flytrapcare.com/propagation-of-venus-fly-traps
  18. Whoa! That's a nice and LONG Venus fly trap!
  19. Hi Thomas! It looks like you have spider mites on the plant in the first and second photo. The browning along the edge of the leaf is indicative of mites and those little red dots are them!
  20. I gotta get me one of those Spiderman!
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