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Everything posted by JRFxtreme

  1. Give the stem a gentle squeeze. Is it firm or soft? If it is firm all along the stem (including green and black parts) let us know the conditions it is in (along with what species/hybrid it is). If the stem is soft on the lower black parts, it is most likely rotting and your only chance to save it is to cut the good top part off and use it as a cutting.
  2. Well, its about that time again. Any new developments on Triphyophyllum peltatum in cultivation? Any seed sources? If the mods would prefer I create a new topic for this (instead of resurrecting this one every year or two), let me know and I'll set it up.
  3. I was in Ocala last summer and found a similar Utricularia, though it was in water instead of sand. Wish I could have found some of those sundews!
  4. This may sound crazy but I actually like the leafy Ceph.
  5. Just getting this topic back out there. Anyone have any new info? I emailed Christian a few days ago but he hasn't replied so...
  6. I think the black jungle guys use an almost 100% cypress mulch mix so they water often and don't have to worry about the mix breaking down or having a build up of salts. You may be better off trying an organic fertilizer if you use Sphagnum Moss. In my experience, osmocote made the LFS decay very quickly. With Neptune's Harvest theres only a small problem with algae and moss (not sphagnum) growth, the Live Sphagnum actually seems to enjoy this fertilizer too.
  7. I've been using Neptune's Harvest Fish/Seaweed Blend for a little while now and the Nepenthes really seem to like it. I haven't noticed a significant increase in speed of growth but the leaves have turned a deeper healthier green and have grown a lot larger. I apply it through the soil twice a month at a 1/2 tablespoon to a gallon of water.
  8. Mine sprouted pretty fast (about a week) sown on a mix of roughly 30% peat, 30% soil derived from manure and 40% perlite. Temps were around 75-85F. This plant seems to love warm weather and has been taking days peaking to 90F+ with no problems.
  9. What species of Sundew is it? If I were you, I'd set it in a glass of pure water (enough to cover its roots) and put it back on the windowsill until you can get more peat. Sitting in a dark room in a bag of water is likely to lead to death and not dormancy.
  10. Their plants are good but not great. Expect some or most of the Nepenthes to be shipped pitcherless. Some are shipped with beat up looking leaves (ie. with brown edges and broken). That said, they offer some of the harder to find Nepenthes and I would probably order from them again because their prices are decent. I find half the fun in growing the plant so I don't mind some of them arriving pitcherless.
  11. Amazing habitat! Is this the first recorded instance of Nepenthes growing alongside Drosera? Never seen this before! 8)
  12. JRFxtreme


    Not true at all! Vermiculite makes a great additive to Nepenthes soil! It releases low amounts of minerals as it breaks down so it isn't suitable for other carnivores but neps love the stuff. I've been using it in all my nep mixes for about a year and see improvement from vermiculite'less mixes. Don't go crazy on the stuff though, it should make up only 5-10% of the media.
  13. If its a sudden wilt of many pitchers, then you need to inspect for rot. Just today I had to cut up my "Tarnok" cause most of the rhizome was rotting. If its just the top of a few pitchers slowing turning brown then its natural, nothing to worry about.
  14. Heres a semi-upper on my plant: Later on the uppers turned pure yellow, I really like the contrast they give. Red pitchers below and yellow up high! *edit* Heres one I just took: Please excuse the plants raggedy appearance, I recently went away for a week and I think my neighbor let the soil dry a little too much..
  15. Over $300 for 2 plants and it still has 2 days to go! Insane.. I just want to say Congrats to the seller!! If you read this.. can I borrow $10?
  16. I just wish I knew of a way to fertilize through the soil that wouldn't turn the LFS into mush. :-k Know of any, phissionkorps?
  17. I'm experimenting with osmocote right now. I have 4 rooted cuttings of N. x ventrata and I'm seeing if I can fertilize the 2 smaller cuttings and get them to grow faster and bigger than the already larger 2. I have been seeing an improvement in the 2 cuttings that I fertilized. I used about 7 to 10 pellets per 4 inch pot set on top the soil, if anyone is interested in trying this.
  18. Cool Judith Hindle hybrid! Did you make that cross? Looks like a colorful Heli from the back!
  19. Has anyone ever shipped D. burmanii bare root? How well does it cope with root disturbance?
  20. Nice neps! Wow, that hamata is a killer! ..But diet coke is so gross.. :vomit:
  21. Nice! I particularly like the fleshy look of the M01.
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