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Carnivine last won the day on January 13 2021

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About Carnivine

  • Birthday 02/02/1971

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    Growing carnivorous plants, snooker & spending fun times together with my family.

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  1. How do people kill the thick moss that grows between the greenhouse glass and along the frameork?
  2. Does anyone know where I can get 1 bale of peat from during this lockdown?
  3. Can someone please give me some advice regarding which of my Drosera & Utrics need winter warmth? Many thanks. Drosera Aliciae Binata Binata v Dichotoma 'Giant Form' Binata 'Otaki Forks' Binata v Multifida f Extrema Capeniss Dichotoma Extrema Filiformis Hybrida Intermedia Nidiformis Paleacea ssp Trichocaulis Paradoxa Pulchella Regia Scorpioides Traceyi x Pearl Utricularia Alpina Dichotoma Geminiloba Livida Longifolia Microcalyx Nellumbifolia Praelonga Reniformis Sandersonii Sp 'Hermanus' Tridentata
  4. Thanks to Mike for inviting me over today, had a great time. However, I need to polish up on the snooker front i think lol.
  5. Gutted. I was all ready to come down today then realisd i'm a week early! I cant make next Saturday as we're all down in Dover meeting my Cousin who's on a 2 day stop over on her way back home to Australia. Never will get our game of snooker MIke :(
  6. Is Nottingham close enough?
  7. Years ago, there were loads of cactus nurseries up and down the UK that sold Lithops. I have recently decided to start growing them again, but i'm finding it very difficult indeed to find anyone in the Uk that has a decent selection for sale. Abbey Brook Cacti in Matlock sys it holds the National Collection - I went up there the other day and the place is falling to bits, and there were only about ten different species of Lithops on offer. Southfield Nurseries in Bourne also used to sell Lithops, but theres no mention of them at all on their website? Whats going on?
  8. Sadly I will be unable to come as I currently dont drive and so my wife would have to bring me, but not being a member would mean she would be left in the car on her own. It would seem a bot rude of me to expect her to drive me down there and then ask her to wait in the car lol.
  9. Can anyone tell me of the contents and layout of the two books below are pretty much the same. The reason I ask is because I had both books at one point but for some reason cannot find the second book listed below. I wonder if I got rid of it because it was the same inside - just a different title used? 1) Growing Carnivorous Plants by Barry Rice 2) The Complete Growers Guide To Carnivorous Plants by Barry Rice Cheers
  10. Has anyone seen the new book thats due for publication in March 2019? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Carnivorous-Plants-Botanical-Dan-Torre/dp/1789140528/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1547312888&sr=8-8&keywords=carnivorous+plants+book http://www.reaktionbooks.co.uk/display.asp?ISB=9781789140521&nat=false&stem=true&sf1=keyword&st1=carnivorous&m=1&dc=1
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