What ive had trouble with recently, same holes in my nepenthes, was slugs, I saw a baby slug that had nibbled the top of my jacquelineae (growing tip currently unknown amongst the black ends) in june then a big one on the floor at the start of july. In my temperate greenhouse my sweet peppers were being eaten, steadily 1 then 3 with half mssng, caught the culprits = snails, caught one at 9:30pm then another at 10:30pm a week ago.
I think the heat and lack of water from outside plants is drawing them into our greenhouses, although i havent seen a slug in weeks im still getting earwigs in my heated and garden spiders in my temperate, vfts must have caught 20+ in their traps atm, 3-4 scuttling away as i cool the darlingtonia roots with fresh water
Just looks like slug or snail has had a few quick bites then gone off on its merry way