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Everything posted by jrl1265

  1. Sorry about that, several years ago I had a raccoon do the same to my collection. It ripped up the pitchers for the bugs and found worms in the soil. Animal control lent a live trap and I was able to relocate the beast. Hope you find a solution, Jack
  2. Thank you Adilson, I was hoping that was the case. Jack
  3. Does this plant have the same tubers as the large leaved reniformis. Thank you, Jack
  4. I would put the runners back with the mother plant, you should get more leaves and a dencer mass. This is what I do anyway. Jack
  5. I’m receiving Utricularia reniformis this week and have been all through this forum and others to get as much information as possible and I’m finding much of the info. contradictory which is ok that goes with the territory. What I am having trouble with is the concept this species hates wet feet. Don’t they need ‘wet feet’ at least part of the time during growth to allow the traps to function and snare prey? Jack
  6. I really love natural terrariums and yours looks great, nice work. Jack
  7. Temperature may have some influence on coloring but in my terrarium many of my pitchers are bi- color. The side of the pitcher in the light are purple and the side out of the light, green. So many factors must contribute to coloring. Jack
  8. with all my carnivorouse plants taken from me after an ugly seperation I found allmost all my plants dead when I was given them back. My terrarium of tropical Drosera was left outside (my wifes new boyfriend didnt want then in "my" his bedroom) and so was trown outside and had to make it through a western Oregon winter. In Feb. 2010 I was able to go back to the house to retrieve my plants and all my dews were dead except one. on a 18" stem was a small capensis clinging to life. I cut two inches of the stem off and planted it into lfs and put under a strong compact light. today that little plant that survived snow and short freezes has leaves three inches long and a bright red color. Its an incredible little plant. Jack
  9. D. muscipula I live in Dallas, Or. (just 15 miles west of you) and can say your plants will do fine outside during winter. I keep my vft's out in the open for all but the coldest nights (low 20's) and only if it's going to last a couple of days. It may seem to be cold during winter, but compared to other places, we stay pretty mild and comfortable.
  10. JM Trust me, leave them outside. You have only lived in Oregon for a short while. I have been growing in Oregon for 15 years ( and have lived here for 42) you live in a very mild climate (southern Oregon coast) which very rarely gets frost. If you look at an USDA plantring zone it shows you to live in zone 9 not 6 - 7. I live further east then you (Willamette valley) and never do anything special with my plants (vft's even keep there leaves). That being said, this is supposed to be a little colder then nomal due to la nina. In your case, being closer to the coast, you will probably have to do nothing where I will have to but them in the garage for a couple of days if it gets really cold. Most winters I keep my plants outside the whole winter with no ill effects.
  11. I have had flowers on plants deformed one year and fine the next, so I would pollinate if only for the fun of it.
  12. I live in Western Oregon U.S.A about 60 miles s.w. of Portland or 2 hrs. from wild Darlingtonia.
  13. I used a small childs wading pool, dug a hole to make it flush with the ground, layed river rocks along the outside to cover the plastic, filled with soil. The only draw backs are: I get alot of weeds to pull up, slugs in spring can be a problem, and I put it to close to a tree, so when summer comes theres to much shade. I did the whole thing in one day. Jack
  14. By 'doesn't exist' do you mean it was fake or that it has died? Jack
  15. I had two seedlings I left out this winter, both died back and so far I haven't seen any new green growth. Since they grow so slow though who knows? So I'll just keep watching. :)
  16. Necifix I know how hard it is to leave our plants alone, I used to tinker alot too . But in this case it is best to leave this particular type of plant (Cephalotus) alone. Good luck, Jack
  17. I keep my ceph. in a five gallon aquarium next to a heli. minor x heterodoxa. the ceph. is potted in a small pot with a 50/50 mix of peat and perlite and a top dressing of live spagnum moss. the whole tank is filled with live spagnum which the heli. grows in. the only water both get is a brief spritzing every night before I go to bed. The only lighting they get is from one fifteen watt flour. bulb about four inches from the plant. They have grown and prosper for five years now.
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