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7th part: el Rio Borosa

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After our abortive attempt in search of Pinguicula submediterranea Blanca, Jamilena, Ruiz Rejon & Zamora, it is time to visit one of the most famous stations of Pinguicula vallisneriifolia Webb: la Cerrada de Elias which host one of the biggest populations.

So we leave early in the morning to try to escape from blazing afternoon sun. We walk along broad gorges and cross several times the Rio Borosa. The path goes up very gently and without any difficulty, moreover we cross many families and pupils. After walking for a while, these gorges suddenly shrink, we arrive in the Cerrada de Elias:


Plants are present all along the path, we brush their long leaves that hang from this wall, quitte to get catched like a big insect:


On the other side of the river, some more plants are facing them:


Here, flowers are really pale, most are quite veinless:


In this species, calyx lobes are particularly large:


Another major characteristics of this species is the presence of stolons, i.e. lateral stems developing around the mother plant and rooting a few centimeters away to form new plantlets (vegetative reproductio is particularly active in this species):


An interesting thing, a plant on its way to be fossilized:


A little bit further, there is another little station of this butterwort:


And we goes on the road to another station of Pinguicula mundi Blanca, Jamilena, Ruiz Rejon & Zamora, the only other known station of this species.



Edited by kisscool_38
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