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Everything posted by Zongyi_yang

  1. Zongyi_yang

    Frog vs VFT

    Pull it out and place it neatly into one of the larger traps. See if it will disolve and leave you a nice skeleton like Bob's did ;) .
  2. Well, I knew it would come to this day. My N. sanguinea and N. coccinea have grown too tall for my terrarium (surpriseingly the coccinea lived this long, it came with root damage and is in a highland tank, but its doing great :) ). Their growth points are already past the light fixtures. How would I go at trimmming them? They only have one growth point at the moment, and their stems are woody. I'm thinking of makeing multiple cuttings from sections on the plant, or doing some of those air rooting, or whatchacallit. Any thoughts?
  3. Thanks for the info :) . Lilly shaped leaves are pretty cool in my opinion.
  4. Whats that plant behind the flowers in the second picture? I love the leaf shape.
  5. endparenthesis- can't you just seal them in a block of plastic like how bugs or four leafed clovers are preserved? Maybe a lot of clear glue gun glue heated up and poured into a glass cup with the pitcher cutting? Don't blame me if it gets a little messy though . Zongyi
  6. It looks suspiciously like a young version of N. ventricosa too me :? . The leaves look very ventricosa-like, and the red tendrils, drooping hood, and I can see the branching spur I usually see in my young ventricosas. Can you see a faint red stripe down the back of your pitchers? Zongyi
  7. Thanks for the help guys . I planted them useing your tips and a little of my own mixture. I have placed them in temperatures of around 22C. Hopefully they will grow. Also, do mexican pings enjoy acidic soil or basic soil? Thanks. Zongyi :)
  8. I have just recieved a large batch of pings, some of which I'm not familiar with. Does anyone know any information on the following? I'm looking for cultivation information, like soil and temperature. P. pachuca P. kondai P. codata (or Kodata, but probably caudata) P. laueana Thanks in advance . Zongyi
  9. I know someone in Canada that mulches with pine needles, not just for garden plants, but for his cp bog, so I don't think there is too much harm. Pine needles do contain wax and reisen (I think) and are acidic. I think the lower pH killed those christmas plants, but its just a guesss. Zongyi
  10. Wow, I cant wait to see a picture of it when all the plants are planted :) . A layer of sphagnum moss would make it look better, too. Zongyi
  11. Thanks guys. The seed has been sowed . Zongyi
  12. Hope I didn't post this question before! I'm wanting to sow my D. filiformis 'All Red'. Does anyone know if it needs stratification? Thanks. Zongyi
  13. I'll make a guess. It looks a lot like baby earthworms to me. Zongyi
  14. Wow, I frogot I ever posted this topic. This was in 2003 . The purpurea is dead now, died in dormancy on the winter of 2003. I have a new one now. Zongyi
  15. If it'll make you feel better, my pot dried and the rhyzome of my plant lost all but one growth point. Zongyi
  16. I dont really post replies to picture topics much anymore......but that N. vogelii . Its absolutely stunning! Zongyi
  17. Hehe, one of them ruby throated humming birds crashed into my window a few years back. Are they the ones with a shiny red throat? I think I have it in a jar in my fridge :goofy: . Zongyi
  18. Thanks Aidan. If only I found it sooner, I could have statified it over winter. Zongyi
  19. I went rummaging through my seeds and found an unopened pack. On it, it says Drosera intermedia 'San Lorenso a Vaccoli'. I totally frogot where I got this and who sent it to me. Does anyone know if this certain type of Drosera needs stratification? Thanks. Zongyi
  20. Bonjour. Je suis content pour avoir un autre cper canadien dans le fourms. Mon français est très mauvais. Je serais serviable si vous pouvez écrire votre message dans l'anglais ou dans grammer correct pour que je peux utiliser un traducteur informatique. Quels types de plantes qu'allez-vous placer dans votre marécage ? Je sais que les hivers canadiens sont très froids. Si vous avez des plantes carnivores, je serai heureux d'échanger avec vous. Zongyi
  21. Currently, all my nep pitchers contain watery fluid. I hope that my inermis x bongso will have some inermis trait and have viscous liquid. Zongyi
  22. I swore I posted here once :???: . Ah well. I work as a newspaper boy for my towns newspaper. Its time consuming, backbreaking, and pays low, but hey, I'm not trying to support a family here, and the moneys enough for my plants . I'm thinking of changing to a fast food resturant later on. Who knows, mcdonalds employee now, and owner of the food chain in 20 years . Zongyi
  23. Oops, I frogot to say that snails will come and feed on the shells . Zongyi
  24. I dont know, but I always thought that more slugs will come to feast on the unwashed yolk in the egg and get some calcium for their shells. My experiance with them was that they smelled bad and attracted a host of wormlike centipied creature thingys. They are good for compost tho. Zongyi
  25. Hope something actually comes out of the experiment, and don't forget to dilute the lemon juice (may be too acidic). . Zongyi
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