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Everything posted by lucien01700

  1. Ciao Alfonso Hai un taglio? Distinti saluti Lucien
  2. Dove hai trovato questa Dionea? 😉
  3. Hi Peter Red microdent is the preliminary name of Red micro teeth, it does not exist With Microdent I created Red microteeth thee, Diable rouge, then Red micro teeth giant, and Chicot, and the last LB Wire (Red cup trap erected) I attach the photos
  4. Dionaea Pink panther (Half of 2018)
  5. Caro Jasmine Non disponibile ad oggi. Lucien
  6. Hello everyone LB T-rex nain LB Petit papillon LB Red dentate pygmy
  7. Hello I have Aurora borealis without the white traps, only one with the white traps is my mother plant. And yes I ship to Italy
  8. Red cup trap is a dionaea selected by German Stefan Lenßen Galaxy is a dionaea discovered in the stock of a Dutch garden center by the Dutchman Gert from Araflora.
  9. I have had this plant for 3 years and no white traps have appeared.
  10. Hello Lee I have a White tiger Venus flytrap, but it is not stable.
  11. Although in full sun and cold this cephalotus remains green.
  12. It may be seasonal
  13. Hello Carboni ardenti Petit papillon LB Naja Demogorgone Sinusoïdea x012A Damballa
  14. Hai messo troppa perlite nel tuo substrato
  15. this cephalotus is dead, no more ambiguity
  16. Montecore Green phalanx Pompom Demogorgone Dambala
  17. Dionaea 'Blanche hermine' Dionaea "Naja"
  18. Hello Lewis Aurora borealis is not yet available Kind Regards Lucien
  19. Hello We must wait for spring, the plants are dormant Regards Lucien
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