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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. To remember a Cephalotus Black, born from seeds of little value that has cultivated my friend. Quest Chalotus will not be given to anyone, so do not worry. Now the names are rampant and it is better not to create more caos.
  2. Hello everyone, I have the pleasure to introduce a Cephalotus follicularis seedling born of seeds unknown, selected from a dear friend grower. From him I learned everything I know about the cultivation of carnivorous plants. Yesterday when we were discussing about the features of this Cephalotus, laughing and joking, we decided to call him Matthew's Black. ---> Matteo's Black https://www.flickr.com/photos/96206539@N07/16820603042/in/photostream/
  3. Hello everyone, I do not open often on topic cpukforum, because my English is not very good I wanted to share with you my experience Two days ago I sowed the seeds of Cephalotus follicularis, After talking with so many farmers about their experiences of sowing (four of these in particular: Dimitar, Jhon, Matteo, Erio and Aldo), I opened myself dancing. Last year I did not get a good result with germination, In fact they were born 2-3 seeds planted on 10. As containers for sowing I used tubs of ice cream, to make divisiori I used pieces of plastic cut. I have used this substrate: acid sphagnum peat / perlite and quartz sand. These are the two pictures of the trays put to soak in water, to hydrate well the substrate While this is my position Now I just have to wait and hope for their. I hope to update you soon with new photos Cosmo
  4. Hello Dimitar, very interesting. Thank you for sharing your experience
  5. Hello Dimitar, I started writing on this topic otherwise no one answers. Although I grow Cephalotus follicularis by a year or so I have noticed that there are fake clones everywhere because people think more about the money and the bisness that the passion for carnivorous plants. Then, in this case we speak of a cultivar registered. I'd be curious to see a picture of the true cultivar 'Hummer's Giant'. I show you a picture of my alleged Hummer's Giant taken by Dimi Gaunie. You say everything that there is to say uncensored and remissions of sin. Let's stop running false plants please because there are those who cultivates a passion and not to earn money! Cosmo
  6. Hello John, clones that spectacular, really nice
  7. Hello John, clones that spectacular, really nice
  8. Congratulations Dimitar is gorgeous
  9. Hello everyone, this is my Darlingtonia californica https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/q71/s720x720/1469926_255640387922616_587111702_n.jpg This is a picture of the past growing season. I got it when it was just a seedling. I live in central and southern Italy and summer temperatures reach really crazy, Yet I have found a method of growing Terracotta vase, dry substrate composed of sphagnum moss and live on the surface, terracotta saucer and shade cloth in front.
  10. Hello, what you say is true. Only that I tried to write this symbol on the search engine google images and I noticed that there are many different clones with the same initials / code https://www.google.it/search?q=sarracenia+alba+SL8&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BNG-UtmCDvTOyAPJ1oHgCA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=954 Probably manifests traits and different colors depending on how it is grown. Cosmo
  11. Hello and good holiday season to all. I have a doubt about the famous St. leucophylla var. sunrise, # 08 (Klein) that for now it seems one of the most white dawns in circulation. Doing a search on google images with this symbol S. leucophylla - 'Alba' (SL8) (klein) appear both plants, ie both the SL8 that the # 08. Now I wanted to know from someone more versed and experienced about that especially if the two dawns with different acronyms, they are the same plant. thanks in advance to all for the answers. Cosmo
  12. Thank you all for the warm welcome I'm glad to find Italian friends
  13. Hello, cultivate carnivorous plants for almost a year. I'm glad to be a part of this community, I hope to find a lot of useful information and well. :laugh2:
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