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Everything posted by Simon797

  1. I think mine will open in about a week. Are you going to get some seed of of yours ?
  2. If you have fresh Sphagnum you can put it on top if you want. and I would water well with the reverse osmosis water because if the moss doesn't like the water, the plants may not like it either.
  3. Hi, I would do the following things: 1.No 2.Yes ,definitely 3. Yes,I would remove it and let it grow back from the underlying moss.
  4. I know that but it is a systemic pesticide,so the plant absorbs it, the bug eats it and it dies .End of story for the mealybug. But my real question is can I use it because of the fertilizer 6-3-4?
  5. So today I bought an insecticide for the mealybugs that are eating my Heliamphora. I asked the guy at the local garden shop for a systematic insecticide against the mealybugs and I made clear that I didn't want any insecticide with fertilizers and so he gave me a product and i looked at the box and it didn't say that there where any fertilizers. But when I arrived home I opened the box and read the manual and saw that there is in fact fertilizer in the pesticide. Its a 6-3-4 fertilizer,so can I use it safely?
  6. @ MustangGT Thanks Tomorrow i will probably make some new pictures
  7. Very nice collection my friend I am inpatient to trade some plants with you.
  8. How is the plant doing? Have you removed the dome? Cheers Simon
  9. Very very nice plants and you seem to have a good setup
  10. Oooh very nice little Heli you have there and good luck with your flowers!
  11. My Sarracenia Psittacina with a pitcher growing inside another pitcher.
  12. @ Mobile: That's easy , but I am going to do it with a tuning fork :)
  13. Yea,I already knew that , if you have only one flowering plant you will need to sacrifice the first flower because first the stigma is receptive and after that the pollen ripen, but can the plant be selfpollinated? Cheers Simon
  14. Thank you I already thought that and it is growing in an open aquarium within a greenhouse but I might put a stake in the pot so it will be more stable when it becomes long. I have another question : can the plant be self pollinated?Or do I need another,genetically different, plant? Cheers Simon
  15. So today ,as I was misting the plants, I noticed a flower on my biggest Heliamphora heterodoxa x nutans. Is it a good time for flowers to come from heliamphora ,or is it like my S.purpurea and do I need to cut it off? Some pictures : And here you can see the next growth inside the "flap" Cheers Simon
  16. I know that it is possible but does it have advantages on Nepethes ? Cheers Simon
  17. I use it as for propagating nepenthes and it works very well. There are two kinds of rockwool ,one takes up a lot of water and an other takes op less but I think one is more compressed then the other one. I Think it's a good material on a long term because it doesn't degrade like LFS. Cheers Simon
  18. Thanks for the info, isn't it going to take a lot of energy from the plant in the winter months. Should I leave it or cut it off? Cheers Simon
  19. So I finally found my camera back and I noticed a bizarre growth on one of my Sarracenia Purpuraea and after a few seconds of looking at it I realized "It's a flower.........now in august?" Here is a picture of the bud Sorry for the bad quality
  20. Sorry for everybody who is waiting for new pictures but I can't find my camera and I have no replace at this moment
  21. Yes it is and it is just because it's a nice,new and easy plant to grow everybody wants it and there are only two producer: Borneo exotics and what has now become Araflora ,so all the money is going into their pockets.
  22. Oooh, then I would be in serious trouble But if you make a cross between the two parent plants and it results in a plant very similar looking plant but it is genetically different so technically you can reproduce that hybrid you made but it results in the same plants. ( Sorry if it doesn't make sense but my primary language ins't English )
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