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Everything posted by pandalf

  1. He has stolen several pics of my plants too. I'll try to contact him
  2. you can sign this petition with facebook, clicking on "vota" (vote), and choosing "Area da tutelare" (area to be protected) or "Valorizzazione" (promotion) on Motivation.
  3. Dear friends, I share this petition for saving Pietro Pellegrini's Botanical Garden. It's the only place dedicated to the protection, conservation and preservation of the exceptional Apuan Alps floristic richness, including the beautiful endemic species Pinguicula apuana and Pinguicula mariae (named by Casper, who described it, in honor of the botanist and garden’s curator Maria Ansaldi). We need your help for promote and protect this reality, now increasingly threatened by bureaucratic problems and the advance of the marble quarries who are devastating life and flora of these unique mountains, baptized “Garden of Europe”. You can sign at this link: http://iluoghidelcuore.it/luoghi/massa/massa/orto-botanico-pietro-pellegrini/17565 Thank you for your support! Giulio Pandeli - Coordinator of Conservation Projects, Italian Carnivorous Plant Society http://www.aipcnet.it "Aquilegia" Society – Curator of Pietro Pellegrini's Botanical Garden http://aquilegia.jimdo.com/ the habitat of Pinguicula mariae and P. apuana is being destroyed every day by the enlargement of marble quarries: ( pic from scempioapuane.blogspot.it/ )
  4. Dear friends, I share this petition to save Pietro Pellegrini's Botanical Garden. It's the only place dedicated to the protection, conservation and preservation of the exceptional Apuan Alps floristic richness, including the beautiful endemic species Pinguicula apuana and Pinguicula mariae (named by Casper, who described it, in honor of the botanist and garden’s curator Maria Ansaldi). We need your help for promote and protect this reality, now increasingly threatened by bureaucratic problems and the advance of the marble quarries which are devastating life and flora of these unique mountains, baptized “Garden of Europe”. You can sign at this link: http://iluoghidelcuore.it/luoghi/massa/massa/orto-botanico-pietro-pellegrini/17565 Thank you for your attention! Giulio Pandeli - Coordinator of Conservation Projects, Italian Carnivorous Plant Society http://www.aipcnet.it "Aquilegia" Society – Curator of Pietro Pellegrini's Botanical Garden http://aquilegia.jimdo.com/
  5. Some photos of the EEE: link Thanks to all the friends!
  6. Drosera filiformis, wood chips Sarracenia flava, wood chips Sarracenia flava , coir ugrow + wood chips RvL-FL46/MK-F87, coir ugrow + wood chips
  7. at the time of the repot it was a cutting without roots and without peat/coir. Only the first two weeks I've kept some sphagnum to make it thrive.
  8. Very interesting! Keep up the good work these are the roots of Sarracenia after a year in beech wood shavings wood shavings after a year in water. new plants repotted for the test:
  9. I haven't whased it. Anyway I want to do more tests with the measurement of conductivity. I've taken a high level of water for this pot for all the time for prevent the dehydration of the substrate with no treatment. Probably the wood is different.
  10. Yes it's surely a factor. I kept the seedlings in a place with lower light last year, but I want to retry the experiment with more sun.
  11. thanks wozzen, it could be interesting a discussion about the salt percentages. These are some photos of a Sarracenia hybrid in pure sawdust: and other plants that we've prepared for AIPC conservation project at last italian meeting.
  12. Hi Stephen, unfortunatly the coir that I've used this year (Ugro) doesn't report any information about the salinity. In two years I've tested three brands (Ugro, Canna, Bionova).. only with the first two I've had good results. interesting topic Ada. I've sowed some seeds in spring 2012, but due to parasites and the momentary lack of coir I reported the seedlings in peat. These are some photos of the pots in coir: Next year I will try to repeat the experiment.
  13. Hi everybody, I want to share some experiments with peat-free substrates regarding the Sarracenia cultivation. These are some examples with coir+perlite mix and pure sawdust, ispired by the interesting article of Tim Bailey that I've read on AIPC's magazine: coir+ perlite:
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