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About mobile

  • Birthday 03/10/1967

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    Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
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    Cephalotus and Heliamphora

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  1. Cephalotus don't like root disturbance and it is quite typical for the pitchers to go soft and to lose some. Personally, when I repot a Cephalotus which has had significant root disturbance, I increase the humidity by placing a bag with a few ventilation holes over the pot. This way the pitchers stay hydrated whilst the roots reestablish.
  2. I'm pleased that it's recovering
  3. If it's throwing out pitchers on a regular basis then I would consider it as being happy. Light wise, you are correct in that in lower light levels the pitchers stay greener and larger.
  4. Your comment regarding it looking like it's on steroids might not be far from the truth if it is a TC grown plant During the hotter weather you are less likely to get fungal issues on the plant but the colder, darker winter weather can cause them, so always adjust your watering conditions depending on the season. I usually keep the water level lower and the saucer empty for longer during colder months. Cephalotus dislike change, taking time to reacclimatise, so if you find somewhere it likes growing then keep it there if possible.
  5. That's most likely a Carni Flora ceph. I've not heard of any issues with them.
  6. Whilst it is always best to find the root cause of an issue and resolve that, changing conditioms too quickly can be detrimental to Cephalotus. Moving one from an inside environment to outside without acclimatisation will almost definitely cause issues. Mold is quite common in Cephalotus and you are right that increasing airflow should help, together with letting the soil moisture levels drop a little. If kept constently wet then this will promote mold, even if the airflow is good.
  7. Hi Aviv, Are you able to share a photo of your Cephalotus on here, so members can see if they notice anything wrong? I usually do not repot Cephalotus on arrival, but if the mix they are in does not look suitable then I would. Many people seems to be scared of repotting them, but personally I haven't really had any issues doing so, as long as a little TLC is given after repotting, i.e. keep humidity higher whilst the plants roots re-establish in the new mix. You might find this site of some use: https://cephalot.us
  8. Hi Alexander, Yes, the top dressing is pine needles. As I have never performed a controlled comparison, I do not know if the plant benefits directly but I do know that the pine needles slow down the development of moss on the surface and that some dense mosses seem to have a detrimental affect on speed of plant growth. I have grown VFT in pine needles in the past: https://www.flytrapcare.com/phpBB3/vft-growing-in-pine-needles-t12841.html
  9. This is genuine "Big Boy" with provenance back to the originator:
  10. @jcz, for nearly all of my Cephalotus I stand them in a tray of water, topping it up when it empties. I've done this for many years and the only problem I have occasionally had is in colder months when keeping them too wet can cause some black mildew issues. The one growing in perlite and Seramis is purely an experiment.
  11. I set up a little trial using perlite and Seramis as a media in a wicking system. Seems to be doing OK so far.
  12. I like clones with distinctive pitcher shapes, such as Squat and Bananito. They are much easier to distinguish than so-called dark clones which need specific conditions to realise their characteristic.
  13. New cultivar, Cephalotus follicularis ‘Squat’. Deserving of cultivar status in my mind as its pitcher shape is very distinctive. https://cpn.carnivorousplants.org/articles/CPNv50n2p87_91.pdf?fbclid=IwAR39SwYzPtovj0yCo--oyR64mibcznV2r4PoYWdPy_Yz2OYld2OrG4ZT2T0
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