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About Umpeixe

  • Birthday 05/24/1980

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    Plants! Fish! and Videogames!

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  1. Ill be an ampullaria, because it has been discovered that it eat leaves of other plants, hehe, im vegetarian. Im bad at discovering the mod of a plant, but the ampullaria looks like a calm and pacific plant. Nice post!, i love the fun post!
  2. Thanks!, sure its great information!, but if they want to sleep...Should i let them?, Hmn. Yikes! i hate have to decide what to do with my plants, they should do what they want to do... Meanwhile they dont want to die... They dont wan to or they want?, i mean the are flowering, and then they plan to still living cool, right?. Hope i get more help, im really new on the care of this plants.
  3. Hello i just got a few beautigul blomming carbarups and nitidula x pulchella, thats the way to writhe the names right?. How much they are supposed to live?, the can be grow like tropical sundews? on a terrarium?, or like temperate sundews like binata and filiformis?, like a pinguicula with a cold winter?, or like a dionaea and sarracenia with a frezzing winter?, i know i should search alittle before buy them but they was somekind of unespected present, and i havnt seen more beautifull light salmon colored flowers!. Any advice its good, oh i read they need a summer dormancy its true?. They are wet and fresh in front of my terrarium by now, but the light its low. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello, today my parents buy for me some smoke polycarbonate sheets for my greenhouse, the uncolored ones i have before, died... Well they got destroyed. Now im afraid they dont let enought light go troght and my plants fell a lost of light. Will the smoke polycarbonate sheets be good for my green house?. Any one uses them? The roof and a window are the only sources of light for the plats, the window its full of common plants. And its small, just about 80cm long and 60cm hight. I need help fast because we only can return the sheets in two days!. Well what you all think? Thanks in advance. :)
  5. Yeah perhaps it need just some time!. By the way, humidity its arround 74%-89%. I personally think this kind of light its bad for the pictures... The light its 6,400°k, 65wats, 8" from light, i dont remember how much lumens, but it was fine wen i buy it... i think...i will check that out. The substrate its always moist!. I water them each two days, should i water them more?, temperature never gets to 90°F, and never gets below 70°F, temperature goes from up to down depending on the day and weather.
  6. When that happend to me i repot the 100% of my plants and clean my terrariums and pots with water and a little of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), i mean bleach a bit of common house bleach. was the only thing i can do, if only the adelae have the pest perhaps its a good idea... good luck
  7. Umpeixe

    Black plant

    Uhm. Hey! But its not fluffy, its like gray /dark green / black colored... But it shines, like if it was some reflecting material, what really scares me is that outside looks dead but the center its alive!. You think i should repot them and relocate them?, i move them from the direct sun because we reach 104!F in there... i can put a fan directly on the plants and move them to the sunnier spot? Thanks for your help.
  8. Hello, i repot my drosera a few weeks ago togheter with my nepenthes, it new leaves are weird, what happend? I think im getting too much troubles. Thanks for your help, and sorry to come back with so many worryes...
  9. Umpeixe

    Black plant

    Hello, my biggest dionaea get all black/gray colored and it died, i cut al lleaves to the base and surprise! they arent dead... Heres a picture. The center of the leaves still green! you see? The lower part of the plants, its green and it have 4 small leaves so its getting back from the almost nothing... Conditions are fine, emperature rarely gets over 94°F and low only to 85°F at night. Humidity its great well i think betwen 40% and 60%. very lighted, full sun! but the tip of my sarracenias get black before the pitcher open, so i move them all to a shader place, i will call it bigth light. the picture was taked with not much light but i use the flash!. Here it its an artificialy lighted picture and a few problems, ill wait for your help!. Thanks.
  10. Ok, i cut it to half? or the whole leave?. Thanks for answer.
  11. Hello, i notice a black spot near the base of a leave, i say how weird!, the leave beggin to turn black, and i cut it as near the nep as possible, it turn gray dry and nothing more happend, at that way my first nep died, i rememeber was because the pot was small and the substrate was damp and clog, so i repot my nep on a square tray, 15cm hight and 40cm long, it loook so lonely... so i put a miranda on the front and two alatas next to them, but a new spot was discovered by me a few days ago. What it is?. Pictures: That its a weoird leave that is weird chaped and it shines, why?. The leave wiht the balck spot. Thats it.
  12. Yikes! 118 views and no answer! Give me a hand please!. Or any other idea to fertilize my common plants? they are supposed to need it right? Orchids? what do they like?, i have read tons of fertilizers but, well i have no real experience... Hope get some reply! ;)
  13. Hello!, i was thinking on giving a fertilizer to my non-carnivorous plants, what yopu can be good?, i have miracle gro nutri tabs, i buy them long time ago, have you used them?, are they good?, any idea?. Thanks.
  14. Umpeixe

    alata care

    I dont have that plant yet bvut im buying one it looks like the first picture but the upper part its much green, now i know its not dificulty to care i will buy one!, i will post apic be sure!, :) see ya soon!
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