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Darlingtonia death cube rescue

Michael fallen

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I went to Lowes and of course they have the little cubes with CPs in them. There was one with a darlingtonia in it and I couldn't resist so I bought it. I repotted it out of the sphagnum moss into a mix of fine orchid bark, peat, perlite, and sphagnum. I was wondering what I should do? It's very cold outside and I think if I put it outside it would kill it. I was thinking I would keep it inside with my neps until spring so then there wouldn't be a huge temperature shock and it could slowly adjust to local climate. It just makes me sad to go to Lowes and see twenty five dying plants and they don't even put the right growing instructions on the cube I guess that's how CPs got there reputation for being difficult to grow.

Edited by Michael fallen
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How come the Lowes here in Chicago don't carry Darlingtonias...I wish they did...Yes you shouldn't put them outside cause they will surely die. I would do what you said by putting it with your Neps till next spring when temps are better....Good luck..

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Hello, I'm surprised that they don't because. I would think a chain like lowes would all get plants at the same time. They brought out a few more and one of them has a flower bud!! But Id be worried it would exhaust the plant. There doing pretty well the only sign of shock is the tongues are shriveling but the pitchers are still nice and firm. I hope it survives because it would be a lot cheaper than buying one from a big nursery.

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