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Dave Evans

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Posts posted by Dave Evans

  1. I was always told nobody for sure know exactly how Latin sounded or was pronounced, for obvious reasons!


    Presumably every speaker adds the influence of their modern day language to Latin pronunciations.

    Umm... Could be. You just say it the way its spelled with Latin pronunciations. You don't use English because it is a misfit. I simply do not pronounce the second "ee". So I say "Nepenthes lowy" I have no idea why they do this weird thing.

  2. You can only name it "Typical" if it didn't come with a name. Also if a flytrap you purchased looks like some cultivar then you can't just name it like that.

    Ahh, no. Sometimes cultivars are available unlabeled. Happens all the time actually. Since they are distinctive, yes you can ID them.

    This one is not a cultivar and has a typical wild or seed grown appearance. CP's are awesome, eh? Even the most common varieties are visually stunning!

  3. Please explain how an "ultra lowland" species can be restricted to hills? In order to be a "lowlander", it has to be from the lowlands, not an area physically above the surrounding lowlands... It is difficult because people keep trying to grow it like N. rafflesiana or N. ampullaria, which is kind of dumb if you think about it as those species are from Kerangas forest, not foggy limestone hills.

    People have trouble with N. clipeata (800 meters) and N. northiana (400 - 600 meters) for the same exact reason. Both species are intermediates which want less water in the soil than do lowland species. Treating either species like a lowlander long term will eventually cause rotting with the whole plant dying from the bottom up. The difference between them is N. northiana doesn't like bright light and tends to be under other vegetation.

  4. Nepenthes divided out from a group of plants which have perfect flowers, dividing into male and female was very likely one of the mutations that lead directly to the evolution our current Nepenthes. All other related genera have perfect flowers so it makes sense to assume this is a rather recent development. It is thought this happened when two different kinds of barely compatible species hybridized, but incompletely, dividing the resulting species into either male or female individuals while doubling the number of chromosomes. I believe this allowed Nepenthes to evolve faster as now fewer individuals can hold more genetic diversity as compared to individuals of Drosera, Dionaea, Aldrovanda.

  5. Manders, if all the rubbish talangensis are from the same TC batch, perhaps they all have the same exact infectious disease? Just because they got the disease in TC or soon after leaving TC doesn't mean TC is the cause of the condition... That plant really does look messed up.

  6. The genetics might jus be "loose". This happens to plants in horticulture. Mutations in the genetic controls in the DNA change the way coded genes behave/interact and the timing of when genes turn on and off. Some Nepenthes species might simply have "looser control" over their own genetics.

  7. Guys, the problem is the plants in the photos are true eymae, but the some of the seeds collected were eymea x maxima because the plant grow closely near to each other in some locations. Some of the eymae seed pods were pollinated by N. maxima. The BE "eymae" appears as a pure N. maxima to me in the most recent photo, but other photos show some eymae characters.

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  8. Folks, this is a problem that just doesn't even have to exist. You just simply do not spray neo-nicotinioids on plants that are or are going to flower soon. Then it is practically impossible to poison bees. This is literally just common sense. Don't put poison on bee food. Duh!

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  9. Pretty much all species make species, or they would go extinct. There are a couple of exceptions, but the general rule is plants do make seed. Some species cannot be self pollinated and if you only have one clone, you of course cannot make seed. But with seed grown plants, each one can pollinate the next...

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