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U. aureomaculata


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An internet buddy of mine has just sent me a plug of aureomaculata. Does anyone out there grow this? Has anyone managed to make it flower? If so, what were the cultural conditions? Any advice would be glady accepted.



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That might have been my site, but I have to recant: it has been growing like crazy without any intervention on my part for the last year or so. I have never had it flower.

I would still recommend repoting some cuttings if it looks like it is starting to die back.

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I think these were probably from Sundew Matt, right? If so, then I was the one who collected them in August at Canaima, Venezuela. Judging by the habitat, I do believe their annuals, although in cultivation they could be perenials, much like G.violacea, U.amethystina, and others. Keep an eye on these plants, as they did not really match type plants. Could be a new species....


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My start of aureomaculata came from cpUK member tim who runs the following site: www.islandnet.com/~tmalcolm/. This plant is the collection favorite...even with no flowers!

I got this start in September and it is currently growing very fast. It has a lot of aerial stolons (nothing as aggressive as blue sandersonii) and is in the process of spreading out in all directions. I keep it cool (between 75 and 60F) in a very sandy mix and brightly lit (4 40w fl). After another month of growth I'm going to repot and try different conditions.

BTW, did you see any of these plants in flower when you collected your specimens last August?



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Yep, I found flowers, unless I wouldn't even have seen them! Or would've confused the flowerless scapes for U.subulata. The flowers I saw were cream in color, which is why I was confused, because they are supossedly yellow...

Fernando Rivadavia

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I can't remember exactly who I got it from. It definitely came from Europe, either France or Germany, and I've had it for a couple of years now. I don't know if it's lineage can be traced back to matt or not. It seems plausible. Based on the number of, and disparate origins of U. tridentata plants I've received as U. steyermarkii, they sure can get around.

It has never flowered for me, and a couple of times it threatened to die back on me. Recently it's been growing like crazy and I have been sending it out to other growers.

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I just thought I would point out that the 2 different plants I have received as this species - 1 with location data, the other without - are pretty different in appearance. I will try to propagate the one from Canaima sometime early this upcoming year so it should start making its way through collections soon. Then you Utric taxonomists can try to figure out the differences between them. ;)

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