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Is this website legit?

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I was just browsing around, looking for some nice nepenthes seeds, and i came across this website: https://nepseeds.com

They seem to be selling some macrophylla pods harvested at June 2nd!!

I know it seeds to good to be true...

Does anybody have experience buying from this store?

Please let me know:turned:


Also, don't buy the entire stock... save some for me:yes:

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Based in Singapore, I would asume they are pouched from nature. Furthermore, importing seeds from outside EU (or outside UK) demands phytosanitary certificate. That is another 150 euro or so in paperwork. Most non legit seed sellers dont care about that, but it is you as receiver that are responsible for the shipment and penalties may apply if caught. Obviously the risk is minimal.

No way I would buy anything from them. 

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13 minutes ago, Tropfrog said:

importing seeds from outside EU (or outside UK) demands phytosanitary certificate.

Since I live in South Korea, I don't really need a phytosanitary cert as long as I apply for the phytosanitary inspection after the arrival, which is usually automatic.

But I don't want to risk 50 bucks for macrophylla... especially one that's probably been poached.

Is buying poached seed illegal or just an ethical wrongdoing?


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It's for sure one of the many ebay(/social network) scammers who flooded the market with poached and fake seeds over the years. Ebay seems to have recently changhed the rules for seeds trade and now they probably all moved to other sites.

Don't bother asking the sellers, they are all scammers. The seeds ARE poached, they collect everything they can from populations of lowland widespread species and sell the seeds as random sought after species. Not only they are poached and seeds of different species, but they are also very likely to be so old that they won't germinate.

Don't support them in any ways, please.


And yes, if they truly were the species advertised they would be illegal to buy. Some of those grow only in national parks.

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Here in Europe you have to buy them directly from hobbists, but I know that in Asia there are legit nurseries who breeds them (a few years ago there were a few in Thailand at least, I don't know if they still operate)

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24 minutes ago, .Pico. said:

there are legit nurseries who breeds them


Could you tell me their names?

Also, it doesn't really matter what country the breeder resides in, because I can use third party shipping, and take care of the customs stuff with a few paperwork, as long as they can ship to major cities in their country.

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