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Coir and Sarracenia.

Richard Hole

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I read a page mentioning how Saracenia can be grown successfully in Coir at http://carnivorousplantsocietyblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/carnivorous-plants-growing-well-in-coir.html .  However, other pages suggest it is not good.  I am wondering if you know more regarding who else is successfully using it and if so, what type of coir they use and how they are treating it before hand.  I heard it helps if the coir is washed well and also aged.  However, I am not sure how long the coir would need to have to stand after it is wet before it is good to use.  Do you have any idea or who may know more?

Locally I can source Tropicoir at https://www.gardencityplastics.com/tlpro4wrapped.html and https://www.bunnings.com.au/brunnings-90l-mega-coir-garden-soil-mulch-block_p2960146?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgvqSwZGW8gIVGplmAh24DARXEAQYASABEgKWffD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

A problem is I do not have much time to age it and would need to use it within a few days so I hope this is all right if I wash the coir a few times.  This is because the Sarracenia are starting to shoot with Spring almost here.  What I am trying to do is put the coir in polystyrene boxes and putting a couple of small holes in the bottom so that the box will hold water for a couple of hours and then slowly drain away to wash out any salts.  I could top up the box with water maybe two or three times a day to rince it.

I plan trying to mix the coir with sphagnum based peat for some of  the plants at 1 part coir to 1 part peat to 2 parts Perlite.  However, I may run out of peat soon so will also try one part coir to one part Perlite.

Please let me know of anyone that has had successful results and how they treated the coir before use.

Regards Richard.

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Hi Stephen

Thanks for the reply

After removing the newly purchased dry coir from the packet, how long do you leave it wet for before you use it to pot the plants?

What do you mix with the coir and in what ratios?

How do your Sarracenia plants grow and look compared to ones potted in sphagnum based peat?

Regards Richard

Edited by Richard Hole
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