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Genlisea locations?


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Hello everyone, I would like to show you some funny thing. Go to this link:


and look there for Genlisea locations, and go to this link:


Tell me what do you see? Because now I just do not know where which Genlisea grows. :)

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I see a list of the countries in which the different species of Genlisea grow. Both lists look very similar to me- one is just a little more detailed. Why do you find this strange?

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There is nothing at all wrong with your site Mathias. It is very nicely done. I think Motty is getting confused because the CPS site labels the species and then a generalisation of the area in wich in can be found, eg. Southern tropical africa, where your site actually gives an exact location eg. kenia.

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Hello Matthis,

your site is done verry good, I don have any problems with it. I would like to tell you that I contacted with one person from burundi, and he asked for G. subglabra in Burundi university, and they gave him a list with carnivorous plants in Burundi. I must tell you, that there was just G. hipsida. :/ And about what the diference are betreen your site ant that anouther.


On this site is sow(just a part):

Key = Brazil( B )

G.subglabra G.taylorii G.uncinata( B )

And on your site is that:

G. subglabra, G. taylorii -Burundi, Malawi, Tansania, Zaire, Sambia and G. uncinata -Brasilien.

Look on that, there are diferent countrys here, and I would like to know who is right? You Matthis or that other person? But I tell you, that I get know, that in Burundi was found just G. hipsida, but i would like to find tehre alsow that two other.

Here you have a part of letter I get from my friend from Burundi:

"Please " I am sure " says the assistant that Genlisea (hispida) exist here in Burundi and It has been taken by a belgian who's name is José LEWALLE université de Ličge and université du Burundi

He wrote " " végétation du Burundi occidental" you can look for the book at the university of ličge (Belgum)"

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To all,

It is very difficult to keep any such information constantly updates with all the recent literature and collections. For example G.filiformis was recently collected in S Mexico, extending the range of this species (and genus!) into N America.

So it is very difficult to have such a site 100% correct and one must often consult various pages, such as the CP Database put up by Jan Schaluer, which is also very comprehensive.

Congrats Matthias and all!

Fernando Rivadavia

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