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Venus Fly Trap - UK- Dormancy- Help


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Hello Everyone

I have been reading various forums and watching you tube videos with regard to Venus flytrap care/dormancy and maybe I have overlooked into this but now I have absolutely no idea what the best thing is to do with my Venus flytrap over winter in the UK (Manchester)

I was wondering if I could get some advice for my situation here, I really have tried to find all this out myself, apologies if this is such an over asked question!

I got my flytrap around 2 months ago, it’s happily sitting on the window sill of my terraced house in a large bay window, I use only rainwater, keep it damp and have fed it the odd insect here and there, it seems to look lovely and healthy and has a couple of new traps growing and a couple that are going black. I think I’m doing good with it so far.

I’m expecting that it will be going into dormancy anytime soon (maybe that’s started already) and that it needs to do this to survive in the long run.

·         I have read somewhere that in certain plant hardiness zones you don’t need to do anything apart from water less in winter….is this the case in the uk?

·         I have no garage, basement, shed or greenhouse to move the plant to for its dormancy where it can stay cool enough, I will have a shed with a window eventually but not til l next year. 

·         I have a utility room with a window that I could keep unheated in winter, but that room also has my boiler and tumble dryer in there so could get a little toasty, is this a problem?

·         Is the best option to move it outside into the back yard in some sort of propagator to protect it, maybe using some mulch or sphagnum moss if the weather gets bad?

I’d really appreciate some guidance, I ended up with this plant kind of by accident but have grown to love it and really want to try my best to keep it alive.

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Keep it on the window sill .. It will be fine.. Just ensure that it is not situated directly above a heating unit.

I'm in The Netherlands -- had temperatures with my plants outside down to -7 degrees and they made it

Water less. keep it damp and water again once the tray has tried out. Remove the dead leaves and traps when they turn black.

Don't panic if the plant looks dead ... we all think that in the beginning.

Edited by Lee Chamberlain
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It can vary from plant to plant I'm afraid. Some can go through winter looking just about the same apart from maybe more ground hugging traps. Other can lose all their traps and rest though winter as a small bulb underground. Sometimes you'll find the plant doesn't make it too and it might not be a lot about what you do, just the way things work.

Edited by Dunc
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