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Trying to grow venus flytrap seeds


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I got about 50 mixed vft seeds (real vft ) had them about 20 ish so far sprout. 

Trouble is im loosing them. Ive only got 4 left that might make it a bit longer and a few more seeds might be shooting roots now but im worried ill loose them.

Ive kept adult vfts on n off for years and they seem a doddle compared to the seedlings. 

Whats your opinion on light. Should i leave them in good humidity in full sun (its been pretty hot in uk lately) or do you think strong sun can cook them ?only use natural light in a cold frame but if hot i open the frame up

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13 hours ago, ada said:

Pictures will help us,it could be a pest in the soil eating the roots.It could be the wrong type of compost? There are many reasons

. I suppose i could have been clearer but thought id give only the info that could be useful.

Im sure its not insects or fungus nats as had a spell of them a few years back and the soil is the same peatmoss ive used for my cp plants which is partly mixed with perlite.

Ive also recently sprinckled some sulphur powder on top the eliminate the possibility that i was loosing the vft seedlings from mildew though i dont think i have had mildew.

Ive got a photo but not sure how to put it on here.

My concern is perhaps theyve been getting to much sun ( as theyre not shielded) .

Perhaps the peat is maybe to damp or wet but ive kept the seedlings as well watered as my adult plants

Cheers n hope ive supplied enother info.

I might need to say that i know it looks like mildew on this photo but its the sulphur powder which turning white.


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Were the seedlings covered by a polythene bag or in some sort of a closed environment?

I would suspect the sun may have cooked them - my suggestion would be to keep them in light shade until they establish themselves.  All seedlings are fragile and need some sort of protection from full sun for the first few weeks.  The compost looks wet in your second photo, not a problem in itself, and if the full sun catches them when they are wet then they are liable to be scorched and die.


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As Rob says,were they covered at all? They Don, t need covering.I throw vft seed on my sarra pots and they germinate fine in full sun and take the heat of a greenhouse and are probably drier than Yours too.

The wet compost gives them enough humidity,fresh air around them will prevent rot or mould in full sun.

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1 hour ago, RobH said:

Were the seedlings covered by a polythene bag or in some sort of a closed environment?

I would suspect the sun may have cooked them - my suggestion would be to keep them in light shade until they establish themselves.  All seedlings are fragile and need some sort of protection from full sun for the first few weeks.  The compost looks wet in your second photo, not a problem in itself, and if the full sun catches them when they are wet then they are liable to be scorched and die.


Hi thanks for your replies..

Ive covered them with a propagator and lost a few so tried without a cover but both times in full sun and still lost a few. Ive got them in a coldframe but i open it during the day so they dont cook. 

Im kind of happy you say full sun might be the problem as thats what ive been thinking in the last week or 2...

Heres some photos taken this morning in day light..20200605_094508.thumb.jpg.850b1e27224571ea1513212d5001e414.jpg



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15 minutes ago, Lee Chamberlain said:

Looks to me like you need a bit more air circulation

Why you say that?  The white bits not mildew.. 

I doubt they dont get enough circulation as ive tried to mske sure they get as much as possible outside 

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15 hours ago, jez_z3 said:

Why you say that?  The white bits not mildew.. 

I doubt they dont get enough circulation as ive tried to mske sure they get as much as possible outside 

Read the post again .. slowly this time.. sorry didn't realise you had used the sulphur powder..
The little ones look perfect in the first photo.

I have tried VFT seedlings under LED lighting as well as heated and unheated greenhouses. Additionally tried in closed bags and reducing the humidity slowly
Luck of the draw, Sometimes you just get fantastic results and sometimes very disappointing / frustrating.

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6 hours ago, Lee Chamberlain said:

Read the post again .. slowly this time.. sorry didn't realise you had used the sulphur powder..
The little ones look perfect in the first photo.

I have tried VFT seedlings under LED lighting as well as heated and unheated greenhouses. Additionally tried in closed bags and reducing the humidity slowly
Luck of the draw, Sometimes you just get fantastic results and sometimes very disappointing / frustrating.

Cheers for replying. 

I just get the impression that when they 1st sprouted they were nice n strong n nice shade of green but as times gone on all slowly looked washed out or bleached.most have died but even surviving ones look bleached so im still not holding my breath.

Did you try shielding fron full sun when strong sun anyway?

Thats my next trial. Got some more seeds so will try a few different methods.. like less direct sun, different mixes of media, under cover or exposed.

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I have 2 greenhouses.. One gets driect sun so after the first year i put up shade cloth.. With direct sun and temps up and above 35 degrees they were suffering.

In the other greenhouse which is more shaded naturally the plants grow slower and are not so vigourous as in the other greenhouse.

I would let them have some morning sun but not direct for a while.. I also only sprayed my young plants .. or let them dry out between waterings if using the saucer method.

When i grew my seeds i followed this guide,, ,was spot on with her advice. This was the result --- see photo.
I planted 100 seeds so not too bad.



Edited by Lee Chamberlain
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48 minutes ago, Lee Chamberlain said:

I have 2 greenhouses.. One gets driect sun so after the first year i put up shade cloth.. With direct sun and temps up and above 35 degrees they were suffering.

In the other greenhouse which is more shaded naturally the plants grow slower and are not so vigourous as in the other greenhouse.

I would let them have some morning sun but not direct for a while.. I also only sprayed my young plants .. or let them dry out between waterings if using the saucer method.

When i grew my seeds i followed this guide,, ,was spot on with her advice. This was the result --- see photo.
I planted 100 seeds so not too bad.



Cirtainly greener then mine. Looks great.

Hope my next lot of seeds grow as good

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