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Using molar clay (cat litter)

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Over the last year or so I have become interested in Bonsai.

One of the highly recommended 'soils' for growing them in is molar clay, easily available as Sanicat cat litter.  The little trees seem to be doing fine!

Has anyone tried growing CPs in this?  I'm particularly thinking of the Mexican Pinguicula, which Triffid nurseries recommend growing on crushed Tufa rock.  Would molar clay be an OK alternative?  It seems to be good for cacti and succulents!


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I have used cat litter as one of the components of my mainly non-organic Mexican Pings mix for a number of years.  I find it preferable to perlite due the the latters tendency to work its way to the top of pots of compost.  Having said that I have found that my mostly non-organic mix results in very slow growing and often tiny plants (Pings) and I plan to test changing this to something with a John Innes type compost as one of the components.

I also sometimes add small amounts in my cactus mix.

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I use this cat litter without problem   for all my calcareous ping since 1989 : temperate , mexican ,etc  but  not alone  with river sand, pouzzolane,sometimes akadama,vermiculite  .

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  • 3 years later...

Resurrecting an old thread but is there any more feedback on using this? I use the Tesco moler clay litter in my cactus mix. Just want to make sure it is ok for vft etc. I think it is inert so with a good wash first, should be fine? Much easier to source for me than silica. 

Edited by Hectorsgaf
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