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Lectures on EEE 2019 in Prague

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Dear all,

here is the list of lectures on EEE 2019 in Prague. The lecture day will be Saturday and the first lecture will start at ten o'clock, so you won't have to wake up that early to catch them ;-) 

10:00 - 11:00 - Tomáš Hájek - The fate of peatbogs during the dry years and their future in the changing climate

11:00 - 13:30 - lunch break

13:30 - 14:45 - Oliver Gluch - Winter flowering Pinguicula species - impressions from natural habitats in Mexico

14:45 - 16:00 - Jan Schlauer - The Quinones of the Queensland Sundews

16:00 - 17:15 - Lubomír Adamec - Ecophysiological characterization of aquatic carnivorous plants: are they different from terrestrial ones?

The Sunday is dedicated to a trip to BG Liberec, which is a birthplace of CP fascination in former Czechoslovak Republic. Its director wrote the first book about CPs in 1984 and the popularity among growers lasts till the present day.

Hope to see you in Prague!


Edited by Zlatokrt
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Sadly, one of the lecturers, Andrej Pavlovic, got ill and I havent been able to find a replacement in the short time till the event. I have expanded time for each lecture, which will allow a longer time for a discussion (or at least a coffee break) between each lecture. 


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