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Hi all,

Just adding some photos and updating everyone on how the displays doing,

Pitchers have come up well, and most of the plants are now in full growth. However, I am having some issues with green fly on my Drosera and Dionaea. I'll hopefully get this sorted before September.

I have also nearly completed my outdoor Carnivorous plant display (I know I'm spoilt) just need to finish getting materials then plants can start going in.

Any comments are appreciated, but remember this display is still young and hopefully will continue to get better, any questions feel free to ask. 



Enjoy :)



Edited by BBG Durrant
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It's good to hear that your CP displays at the BBG are doing well.  It is 7 months since I saw them and they certainly were a very impressive and unexpected added bonus when I was visiting the Haworthia Show which was taking place at the gardens.  I like the photos, it would be good if you could add plant names and maybe have a couple of shots showing the whole or parts of the display as well as the close-ups.

Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work :thumbsup:

Edited by Gaz
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