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'Peaches' or 'Peaches and Cream'?

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Whilst dusting off the old grey matter recently, I distinctively remembered the exornata plant known as 'Peaches' was originally called 'Peaches and Cream'. I thought I had one of the old Sarracenia nurseries catalogues from the '80's, but it seems not.

Does anyone else remember it from back then?

Nigel H-C

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I didn't know it had been around that long but I do know of the plant. Sadly it's not one I've managed to get into my collection yet!

I've always known it as 'Peaches' but have also seen 'Peaches and Cream' referenced before - I presume they are the exact same cultivar?

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Hi Stu,

Yes, at the time Sarracenia Nurseries had their two cultivars, 'Peaches (and Cream)', and S x mitchelliana 'Red Lips'.



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