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What can I grow in this glass bowl?

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Went into Tesco the other day, and saw this glass bowl. It's about 9" diameter across the widest part. Looked too good to leave on the shelf, and I bought it in a fit of impulsiveness!

Any suggestions as to what I could grow in it?



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1 minute ago, Gaz said:

Pings might be worth a try.  Always found indoor heating dries the air out too much for them, your bowl might solve that problem.

Hmm, that's an interesting idea. Don't have any pings yet. Do you have any recommendation for an easy one?

I was also wondering about a small nep. I have three of the Asda ones, which might go nicely in there.


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15 hours ago, Yossu said:

Hmm, that's an interesting idea. Don't have any pings yet. Do you have any recommendation for an easy one?


I was particularly thinking about Mexican Pings and something dead easy and readily available such as P. x tina would be worth a try and wouldn't leave you grief-stricken if it all went wrong.

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6 hours ago, David Ahrens said:

The trouble is with Neps is that they like free draining compost. You would have to be careful with the watering.

You could try a Cephalotus, I have seen them growing in a similar situation.

I've seen people put pebbles in the bottom of such a bowl, and add water to just below the level of the pebbles. That allows you to keep the nep above the water, add water from the top, and have the excess drain in between the pebbles. The water below keep sup the humidity. That was my plan, if I were to put a nep in there.

However, a ceph is a good idea. That's the other main gap in my collection. As they grow slowly (from what I understand), if I got one that was just a bit too small for the bowl, it would look fine and not outgrow it for some time. Have to look more into that one, thanks for the suggestion.

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