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Live Sphagnum Moss How to

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My views are if the sphagnum is to be used for potting up plants to be grown in high light levels and lowish humidity then it should be cultivated in the same conditions, or you would have to acclimatise it after and thats time and hassle

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  • 3 months later...

Mine's doing OK in the greenhouse. I spread some out over an inch or so of peat, and sat it in water on the top of my staging. It has shown definite signs of growth, but nothing spectacular.

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So does it take longer to get going than you first thought or are you going to try something different,the reason i asked is because there are a few places near me where the green sphagnum grows,i have picked some of it to put between the rows of plants in the greenhouse,and it does a great job of keeping the water clear,but also grows quite quick probably trying to reach the light,but the places that it grows near me are very shaded and after afew days of picking you would not know that i had had any,as it as grown back

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  • 2 months later...

any updates on cats birds and sphagnum ? 

I havent been able to find live sphagnum so far. Last time i got a nep from the gardening centre it had bits of live sphagnum in it. Oh joy! A tiny strand of sphagnum, Im now trying to grow that and hopefully after a few years (? O.O) i will have a decent amount as well... Or i find some more on my sphagnum hunts. 
I put it in a low tray with a small layer of rain water. It is with my neps under the growing light. 

Do other ppl grow live sphagnum as well? What are your experiences with regards to temperature, light, watering needs? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dont worry the dry moss is not dead. Best thing with such little moss is keeping it in a plastic box under artificial light like this.

And its the best an fastest way to propagate many differnt plants in there. The live Sphagnum keeps most infections away. If there is enough in it I had no infections at all. Cephalotus traps grow first roots within 3 weeks.

Edited by partisangardener
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Thanx for that advice!

Both strands did survive and are now growing on the nep soil.. it is more of an experiment to me (i like experimentimg with my plants). They exploded in growth. I think its bcs they are kept moist and have a lot of light there.

Eventually i want to get lots of sphagnum and grow it to let my cps grow in it. 

Right now im trying to find out which cps would benefit from live sphagnum and which wouldnt.

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