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IUCN Carnivorous Plant Specialist Group fundraiser

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The IUCN Carnivorous plant specialist group has started a campaign to raise money so that the conservation status of all carnivorous plant species can be assessed. This is a very large job, but an important one as these assessements form the basis of the Red list of endangered species that many governments use for their policy. The job requiers time and money and the work of many specialists.   Now the IUCN-CPSG tries to raise enough money so that in the week before the 2016 ICPS conference a "Red list workshop" can be held. The aim of this workshop is to get specialist together and to assess as many species in this short time as possible. This should really make a dent in the "to do" list.   Please spread the word and if possible make a donation. The campaign wil have blogs, usefull information and other news bits to accompany this fund raising effort.


You can find it all here:  




have a look, navigate the pages and support this massive undertaking.

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We could use some more cash people...

The how and why is on the red list pages, and there are all kinds of facts and blog being done..

I'll share this one done by some crazy Dutchman.....




please concider helping to raise the amount needed.



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I only can emphasize Marcels request. It is a very important project and the German CP society will also will make a donation.


I hope that some more people will support this project and that they will reach the first target.




(President of the German Society G.F.P.)

Edited by Markus
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  • 4 weeks later...

We did it!

The IUCN-CPSG is pleased to report that we reached our initial goal of $ 25,000 for a workshop assessing the carnivorous plants.

We would like to thank everybody that helped to achieve this and we will keep you informed as things proceed.



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