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Website very slow


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Hi, just wondering if anyone else is having problems using the site, over the last couple of days it has gone very slow to use, on several occasions I have given up, it can take up to a minute for each action to take place.

This is the only one out of all the sites I use so it not my connection etc.

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Same here, only the past 2 mornings though. Indeed, it was worse than the old 56k dial up and i was going to start a thread myself but couldn't even navigate to the correct section of the forum so gave up.

I've a feeling our forums might be on on a shared server and not a dedicated one (which makes sense pricewise), but i guess only Andy will know the answer to that.

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I had the same problem a few days ago, but it's been a bit like that today. Mostly available, but enough time-outs to be annoying.


Ho hum, probably a lesson to tell me I should be working instead!

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same here last few days been unable to connect to it but as I'm typing this it is working faster than ever

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A day or two ago (i can't actually remember) the site was down for most of the day and came back late evening if i recall, but the rest of the time it's been running fine for me with no slowdowns like we suffered a few weeks ago.

Same here, but no speed issues as before.

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