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Lowlander Care

Nepenthes Lowii

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The temperatures are ok but the humidity maybe a bit low, some lowland species really need virtually 100 % humidity to do really well and pitcher.

Try the thicker leaved species first and see how you get on, i would avoid mirabilis and similar for the time being, rafflesiana would perhaps be ok.

If you get wind, of any sort, the effective humidity will be much lower than the figures you quote above.

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The temperatures are ok but the humidity maybe a bit low, some lowland species really need virtually 100 % humidity to do really well and pitcher.

Try the thicker leaved species first and see how you get on, i would avoid mirabilis and similar for the time being, rafflesiana would perhaps be ok.

If you get wind, of any sort, the effective humidity will be much lower than the figures you quote above.

Can I do bical and truncata in a terrarium without a top, just wet moss?

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Worth a shot, truncatas are quite tolerant of low humidity. It may be all you have to do is put a net windscreen around where the plants are, or they may grow perfectly happily without it. You try something cheap and easy, like truncata and see what happens, its the only way to know for sure.

Edited by manders
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As someone who is currently growing several different species of lowlanders, I disagree with manders.



I have miriabillis and it is growing outside where the humidity never exceeds 60% and it is fine. I do have to mist it in the AM and the PM or it won't pitcher. But, your conditions will work just fine as long as you provide a mist or two daily. 


But, I wouldn't let the plants exceed 100F.. While bicalcarata can most certainly take it, it won't like it and you will have some stunted growth.... Bical is super easy to grow and it will fast between 70-100 with humidity above 45%

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