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New Cultivar Dionaea 'Spotted Hyena'


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Am I missing something? Why all the head banging smileys etc above?

I believe it is because they do not like the plant... Lots of people are not partial to, as they're called, "freak plants".

But, I will say that this plant looks like it has been attacked by some predator bug. I have seen this shape of traps on dozens of plants and it has always been because some bug is munching on the newly forming traps.

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It's not so much that I don't like the 'freak' plants or those which look as though they should have been composted. What tends to irritate me is people's absolute obsession with registering a Dionaea cultivar, which, essestially, looks like every other Dionaea, and then claim that it's an ultra-rare specimen and seem to want massive amounts of cash for it. And there are those stupid enough to part with their money to collect every single "variety" because it seems to be the 'done thing' among the carnivorous plant growing community. They are, in reality, just a lot of typical forms. OK, some of those typical forms look like they have a rather nasty infestation...


Don't get me wrong. I do like to see a plant that is actually different from all the others, but there are frighteningly few of those!


If you want a nice VFT, go to B&Q!


Just my opinion.

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Definitely agree on the pricing and trying to name every plant. Some dummies spent a fortune on a few plants a few times on ebay and now some are raising their prices basing their rationality those eBay prices. But, most businesses end up that way. "Make More Money" is the name of the game in the world these days.


What really gets me going is when you have so many plants all named for the same characteristic and yet none of them are really any different. Like here in the US we have DC XL and B52 which both hold fame for having "largest traps". But both plants rarely ever produce even above average traps and only on super rare occasions do they put out super large traps. The majority of my typical plants do the exact same thing and the majority of my typical plants all look just a tiny bit different too.


But, again, money is the name of the game. /shrug

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