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Photos needed for new book

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Hi All,


For the past year or so I've been working on a new book on CP's for Timber Press. I've had to keep it quiet, part of the contract requirements, but now we're at the editing stage I'm able to talk about it.


Anyway, I'm short of a few images, those I had weren't deemed high enough res to use, and I have to supply them in the next few weeks. Below is a list of those I need, mainly Pings, and so if you have any good shots I could use that would be great. I've borrowed a few images from people and you'll be credited in the book for those that appear.


It's a general guide, and concentrates heavily on the basics; the idea is it's the sort of book that would have a broad appeal, there's loads of info on a few species to get newbies on the right track to success, rather than making things to complicated. I've then covered a few of the more difficult genera to whet the appetite, so to speak.


Here are the ones I'm after, and this is rather specific:


Pinguicula 'Tina'

Pinguicula ehlersae flower

Pinguicula lauana flower

Pinguicula moranensis alba plant with flowers

Pinguicula 'Weser' flower

Utricularia reniformis flower

A selection of Sarracenia outside under snow


If you think you have or are able to get shots, please can you email them to me at [email protected]


This is an exciting project, and the book is designed to have a wide distribution in the US, Australia, and Europe.


Thanks in advance,


Nigel HC

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