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Hi All,


Does anyone in the south west have a Roridula plant? My last one has succumbed and is dying, and I believe I'm the only one in the UK with the Pameridea bugs.


I urgently need to transfer the last few off.


Please reply to this or PM me.




Nigel HC

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hi nigel hope you and your family are well? I know the location of several (at last check) adult flowering roridula under the masterful care of expert horticulturists

if you are prepared to revisit some of the multiple requests I have made to you since may last year, especially the desperate need for drosera to be properly represented at the festival I am arranging for the cps and every cp growers benefit (the same festival you were offered a sales table at at my expense) at the very least a possible willingness to provide stock under contract for the sales then I would be more than happy to tell you exactly where you can find the plants you so desperately need.

id also like to add that when someone has offered to volunteer at your nursery in exchange for the sheer joy of working with your plants it is perfectly fine to refuse the offer of help and it wont cause offence, it is offensive however to not even answer the request with a simple "thanks but no thanks"

I have edited this as it contained examples of how I have helped you in the past but in truth I was raised to want to help people without expecting anything in return and I don't really upon review need to point out examples of how I have already helped, you already know,

like I said I can help you resolve this issue today, by 3pm if you get your skates on

but only if your prepared in some way to help me, even the supply of your stock under contract for the festival which I will spend 48 plus hours trying to sell for you with absolutely no profit for myself because I truly believe the uk could do with a big supplier get together at an already massive festival so all of us carnies can get together and bs about plants for a weekend and hopefully educate and sell plants to upwards of 15k members of the public.

not trying to be obstinate as I truly want to help as many people who frequent this forum will tell you that I am quite honestly one of the most giving helpful and proactive people you could hope to meet or in Richard bunns own words, "thank you very very much for yesterday paul you are truly a breath of fresh air in this hobby"

I am awaiting your reply nigel

regards paul

Edited by paul y
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Well thanks Paul, hope the little one is well too?

Paul, you've been here several times since May, and as I said I tend to run the nursery and flower shows myself and don't therefore generally need help, and we've also traded since then. Therefore I'm slightly confused as to your comments concerning 'requests since May'.

As mentioned I am away in June a lot and won't be able to attend the event you refer to.

Okay, with my day job and everything else I have going on, I've no replied to your last email just over ten days back, and I apologise-I forgot.

There seemed to be no malice in your tone then-

"In the meantime good to hear from you and take care


So, I'm at a loss as to this outburst. And please don't try to hold me over a barrel with this. As far as I know there aren't any other Pameridea out there in the UK, unless those I've shared over the years are still around, and I'm concerned that they will no longer exist over here.

So again, if anyone has a plant and can accomodate a few insects, please shout.

Nigel HC

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Just re-read. How have you helped me in the past? I've only known you about 12 months, and you've bought plants from me and we've swapped a few.

You lent me a photo to use in a project, but how else have you helped me out?


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nigel im not trying to cause an argument with this but on five separate occasions I have offered to volunteer at your nursery purely for the opportunity to learn something from someone who knows better than me, its fine if you don't but today is the first time you have answered me either way,

the last email I sent you asked if you would consider supplying stock to the festival, its not a money making exercise from my point of view as im sure you have like many others realised I am in no way short of cash and have no need to make money from other peoples stock, you never replied with a yes or a no leaving me in the position of either at my own embarrassment, asking the same question again, or just assuming you aren't interested.

the solution to your problem lies in Bristol botanical gardens, they at last check had adult healthy roridula. im sure if you show up in person and introduce yourself and explain the situation they will oblige you be either letting you take a plant or at the least transferring your colony until such time as you have a replacement, you can also let them know that if they do let you take a plant then i will as soon as they have germinated and are stable donate several in return.

regards paul

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Thanks Dennis for your support.

In reply, again, yes Paul you have offered to help me whilst you've been over, and I've explained that I generally do everything with the nursery on my own, I always have done and am used to working like this.

I said I'd forgotten to reply to your email ten or so days back, but still you're going on about this, and in view of your comments I am inclined not to take part. Yes you offered me a table at the event, but as I said (and now feel it necessary to repeat myself) I am away at a show, Gardeners World to be precise, which as a nationally important show I can not pull out of to attend a show in Bristol which attracts 15000 visitors.

I'm so glad you have money and do not need to work, and am sure other members here will rest easy in their beds in this knowledge.

This is getting tiresome and somewhat abusive, and I have this afternoon taken legal advice to see if what has been said against me is considered slanderous.

I'm sure Richard would be interested to see your reference to him, if he hasn't already.

Oh, and I'm still keen to hear how you have helped me out inthe past. You say I know what you've done to assist me, but I've either suffered a bout of amnesia, or was very drunk at the time, as I have no recollection of this.

Nigel HC

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