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Autumn Offer

Nigel H-C

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Hi All,


I am running an autumn offer which will run until the end of November. Until then, all plants will be subject to a 20% discount. All you need to do is input the code AUT2014 in the coupon code box on the first checkout page (it must be in capital letters).


Just go to www.hccarnivorousplants.co.uk




Nigel HC

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Hi Nigel,

I just checked out your site and was interested to see that you suggest keeping heliamphora alongside the sarracenia in summer. Do you give them any extra shade / humidity or simply provide the exact same conditions as the sarras?



Ps how do you keep them during the colder months? Any extra lighting?

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Hi Dan,


For a lot of the Helis good direct sun is required for them to colour properly, and so species like nutans, minor, heterodoxa, tatei, purpurescens I keep like this. Some are a little more sensitive, folliculata and hispida being two examples which prefer slightly softer conditions for me.


In winter a min of 7 celcius in my Drosera house and they slow down, but do flower when it's cooler, some now, and others late winter/early spring.


Hope that helps





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