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When needs must, Richard, when needs must.

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This year marks my 30th as as a member of the CPS, and when I joined the membership was around 250.

30 years on and the membership I heard recently was around 250.

Gauge this against the Alpine Garden Society, the RHS, etc and you will see that their membership has grown, in that time considerably. We are a fragile community.

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I joined recently and I've no intention of leaving. I joined the ICPS last year too. We need to be a member of these organisations in order to learn and to move forward.  I can't wait until next year to pillage the seed banks of both.

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Guest paul y

That's pretty sobering considering there are far more members in the train spotting society, and also members of the sooty an sweep fan club.

I have thoroughly schooled my son in cps and my daughter will be shown them as well, the cps should do a family membership.

Ways to swell the ranks?

Regards paul

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I don't remember when I first joined but it was over 30 years ago, probaly sometime in the late 70s or very early 80s. I am currently a member but generally my membership has been on and off several times, probably far more off than on.

Generally i don't see a great deal of real benefit in being a member of a largely south of england society, a magazine of passing interest and a few seeds every year is ok, as far as it goes.

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Generally i don't see a great deal of real benefit in being a member of a largely south of england society............


There was a North Section CPS in the late 80s and early 90s which ceased to be due to a lack of interest.  

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I think the trouble these days is the internet!

It has opened up the world to the touch of a button.People don't need to get out of the chair to see or buy what they want.

They can do it instantly,without waiting for something that was usually late.

The cps is a good society and does great work but it needs new ideas to attract and keep members,people must also remember its all voluntary,the time put in by officials.

Its also the downfall of some open days i believe because you can just look at pictures on here,people can save the petrol money and spend it on a plant or two.

I personally would rather go to an open day and meet other growers,family commitments permitting.


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Hi all.

The Carnivorous plant Society is constantly in a difficult position Being unable to offer more incentives to join due to lack of funds from lack of members.

I feel it is the decline in members that has weakened the Society over the years and agree that the internet has a great deal to play in the current situation with open days.

Regarding late publications these rely heavily on other people at different stages to get this complete and things seldom go to plan but it is never usually the Committee that is behind.

The same regarding event dates, here again there is chasing people to either agree to dates and times or simply just getting hold of them in the first place but yes occasionally there are human errors that are easily missed etc..they are only human after all.

There is always constant email conversations and meeting discussing everything and more above and even family membership has been discussed a lot.

The main group of the Committee put in massive amounts of effort with only the interest in keeping and improving The Carnivorous Plant Society for the benefit of the members and they have a massive amount of enthusiasm (much more than I can manage) even with all the negative bashing they take.

They also do all this at their own great expense and with no perks that I can see so "paying" a membership (donation) is less about what you can get from it and more about doing the right thing in helping conservation and strengthening a foundation Society that brought us all to where we are here and now.



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I joined the CPS for the first time this year, but i won't be renewing. All the seeds i've had from the bank so far have failed to germinate, plus the member login is a total pain in the neck as you can't choose your own name and password and have to search through your email each time for the details. But what else is there to login for anyway ? I appreciate the member fee goes to server rental and other overheads that go with running a forum (i've set up and run gaming communities online in the past) but i don't feel there's enough in it for the individual once they've paid. And to be fair, i can't even think what else could be offered to make the membership fee more appealing, it's a toughy for the admins.


[Edited to clarify : The reason i won't be renewing, is because £20 is a lot when you're on sickness benefits. However, if i was employed, i would happily continue to subscribe if it meant it contributed to keeping CPUK online. (I just didn't want people thinking i was expecting a load of exclusive free gifts for my £20 :laugh2: )

Edited by Welshy
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Again the seedbank relies on seed donations and if there is poor viability then maybe it is down to members sending in old seed.

The website members area is a workaround at the moment and I am sure there will be advances as and when it is affordable.

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Forums like this are partly to blame for the cps demise.

A new generation of growers have grown up with the "net" There is no need for things that made the cps what it was.

It used to put growers in touch with each other through its contacts page,so you could swap plants.

I remember writing letters to people all over and awaiting a reply,now this can be done almost instantly,on here or e-mail.

It used to give information that was hard to get,now you can search everything you can think of instantly.

It will be difficult to run the cps,it needs good ideas to get and keep members.

The seedbank is a great idea,but if the seed doesn't germinate its useless and puts new members off.

Perhaps a joint venture with an established forum and reduced joining costs?

sorry Andy, i know its your forum,just an idea for the committee.


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Guest paul y

I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that you could easily fit every cp grower in the uk into a quite small swimming pool.

we are massively outnumbered by train spotters, stamp collectors and registered sex offenders.

there are many ways to raise the numbers of growers and the cps, on the front of the committee members being worked to hard can someone explain why the cps don't accept help when its offered? ive lost count of the offers of help ive made to only hear nothing in return, 

I like the cps I agree with its aims and principles, I would like to see it flourish, time for a change in direction, they should join forces with this forum, and the icps, set up their own nursery to raise cash in sales, arrange with the big nurseries to hold big start and end season meetings, get the big guns to display and sale and get it where the public have access,  allow others to act on the cps behalf,  whilst they are at nec or other shows let the rest of us deal with some other shows,  the cps were offered a free table at bristols festival of nature, 15 k attendees, all at the nec and no way I nor others could handle it?


ive made over 9 grand in a weekend at that festival, im pretty sure I can deal with a cp stand complete with leaflets posters etc

15k people who could of become a carnie, im doing that festival and a lot of others on this front with others, cps are welcome to join me if they want or can spare someone.

regards paul

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I have been a member of the CPS (on and off) for quite a few years. I will renew next year but I agree with _some_ of the comments about the seeds. The Nepenthes seeds I received were past saving but the VFT seeds germinated really well. That's pretty normal for Neps though, fresh out of the pod is the way to go.

The CPS meetings are worth going to. The meeting at Reading was a good chance to meet people and exchange plants. I wanted to go to the Hampshire / Dorset weekend but had family events going on.

I agree that the net has probably drawn people away from formal societies and I find that the forum fits well with my life as I catch up on my phone (happy to be a sponsor to support it's continuation).



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I joined the CPS for the first time this year, but i won't be renewing. All the seeds i've had from the bank so far have failed to germinate, plus the member login is a total pain in the neck as you can't choose your own name and password and have to search through your email each time for the details. But what else is there to login for anyway ? I appreciate the member fee goes to server rental and other overheads that go with running a forum (i've set up and run gaming communities online in the past) but i don't feel there's enough in it for the individual once they've paid. And to be fair, i can't even think what else could be offered to make the membership fee more appealing, it's a toughy for the admins.


[Edited to clarify : The reason i won't be renewing, is because £20 is a lot when you're on sickness benefits. However, if i was employed, i would happily continue to subscribe if it meant it contributed to keeping CPUK online. (I just didn't want people thinking i was expecting a load of exclusive free gifts for my £20 :laugh2: )

I dont thnk it does, does it? Seperate entities.

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They are still seperate(CPUK and CPS) I mentioned that the cps needs to modernise and perhaps join a successful forum.

This might have been misunderstood.

I fully understand the work that goes on unseen by the members,i was the secretary of a club for a few years.I also know the backstabbing that can go on and the groups that can be formed within a club to try and get their own way.

Pauly has offered his help many times only to be ignored,i think this could be because he is relativley new(sorry paul)

i also felt in the old days if your face didn't fit,you'd had it for getting involved.

Now though i find the members i know very approachable.

But the cps still needs to listen and act to grow,new members need to be encouraged.

Joining forces with something more successful might seem against the grain but what is the option?

slowly fade away?

as i have said before change isn't bad,its just different.

Does someone want to be a big fish in a small pond or a dead fish on a dry lake bed?


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I am a member of the CPS, and will continue to be, but admit I very very rarely visit the website. My first port of call if I am looking for information, advice, plants, dates of open days etc is this forum which I use on, at least, daily basis.


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Guest paul y

No need for a sorry Ada, I've been keeping vfts  and sundews for years on and off, only been really interested for about 2 years, I've been dealing with plants on a nurseryman level for near 30 years now and been professionally qualified since my mid twenties,

I'm doing my own thing regarding promoting these plants and adding them to my existing nursery business, of the cps want my help they have my number, the offer is always on the table the same as it is to anyone else, and believe me I offer.

Every customer who has bought perennial stock from me this year and has shown an interest in carnivores has left with a free plant and a nudge that if interested join this forum and the cps.

Plus Facebook is the way forward with these sorts of things, the Facebook community in the uk for carnies far exceeds the capacities features and accessibility to experts that this forum and the cps combined can provide.

No offence intended just stating a fact

Regards paul

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Very good discussion, i went to Paul,s yesterday had a rely good day just chatting and looking at plants.  It a shame that people don,t make the open days i remember you could not move at paul,s for members.  perhaps facebook is the way to go Ie have a cps facebook page still some one would have to run it, and as usual it would be the same people doing every thing else.


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I am a secret plant addict and not ready to come out on facebook .I like the fact i can conseal my id on here and don't want some people to know my interests and don't really want people from here knowing all about me either.Maybe i am weird

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