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The Ruins


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I saw a great movie last night on BBC1 called The Ruins. It was about a group of American tourists in Mexico who visit an archeological dig at a Mayan pyramid. Unfortunately the pyramid was covered with a carnivorous and predatory vine/creeper, which ate the cast one by one...

I wish I'd recorded it now!

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The movie was very 'eh to me.  BTW, that thing isn't a plant.  It is some sort of predatory alien or some sort of spirit that took on a corporeal state in order to feed.  The Native Tribe there had taking it upon themselves to keep the thing in isolation.  They watch it to make sure it doesn't make it across the several meters wide lane of salt they put around the temple.  It is actually a parasite with a group mind that transmits via physical contact--but might have been creating by black magic.  When it isn't eating flesh, if pretends to be a plant so its victims move too close--as soon as it touches you you're dead and you're also now a vector.  Microscopic bits of start eating from the outside in.  It feeds on both the flesh and the energy of their fear (black magic).  The reason it doesn't kill right away is the thing wants to escape from Isolation and consume America--it has motivations.


It really seem like they were trying to blend The Blob with the idea of micro-machines threatening to destroy life on Earth (The Day the Earth--Keep Spinning--Stood Still), but with a xenophobic bend to it--as Mexican devil worshippers probably created it, instead of crazy scientists.


The "vine" is smart and tortures people psychologically as well as physically; so if it was a plant it now has a demon or some other source of evil inside of it.

Edited by Dave Evans
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