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I was out in the field today checking on a Dactylorhiza site. It's still a bit early for the best show but I did find a healthy grouping of Ophrys apifera. The thing is, you get down there to take the photos and the spectators arrive. They stand there talking among themselves and at times get a little insistent.  I turned the camera on them today as I stood up so here they are 




Several times I've lifted my head to come eyeball to eyeball with a swan. They're BIG aren't they  :lookeye:

Edited by FredG
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Swans are big - but these are Canada Geese

Yeah, 'cause they know where Canada is.  I have always wondered why they have such a stupid name...  As though they are "from Canada" not North America...  We've even had people pass laws for killing "Canadian Geese" as they "are not a native species".  Even though they are native.  Dumb Names plus Dumb People = more problems.

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The family in our parking lot has gotten smaller...  I wonder if the red fox hasn't been busy...

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