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Ledge Bay cephalotus , dose not exist


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Dimi  sent me a link  with some one selling a ceph  from triffid ,call Ledge bay  giant ,dont  know if it triffd in UK or Triffid park  in AU ??  there is a place in Western Australia called   Ledge Point , but not Bay , but  this it way way to high up to  habitat cephalotus, by about  6 hrs drive  north to far  up!. this name  is none existent ,in true  ceph growing  location habitats !.

 if you Google Ledge Bay  nothing comes up  only  Ledge  Point, and that is  not ceph habitat . 


so I believe its not correctly  named , and  dont  know if  its any one on here on CPUK , sorry , you have bought a  plant that  has a fake name, unless you can find Ledge Bay in  the right habitat area !! I cant !far as i can see  its dont exist , same as emu point cephs , no cephs  there either, the  plants are a bit further up  so they are  incorrectly named as well .


What i will add is  there is  a Ledger Road  site  , but differently not a Bay site !!.

Edited by snapperhead51
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I also asked and Richard Nun concerning the genuine of  that location "  Ledge Bay". He also confirmed that such location where Cephalotus grow or can be found does not exist.


Richard confirmed that  exist Ledge road and somewhere near Ledge road exists real location of Cephalotus Gull Rock road but even there the plants are  NOT giant.


Here is the plant for sale on ebay -  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cephalotus-follicularis-Triffid-Ledge-Bay-Giant-RARE-Carnivorous-Plant-/251523721698?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item3a8ffb69e2


I know that the seller is member in CPUK, so would u please post picture of the mother plant and would u say how big are the pitchers of the mother plant since it is "Giant"


Would u please share more information regarding the plant's name : " Cephalotus follicularus Triffid Ledge Bay Giant "


Thank you.



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Dimi  sent me a link  with some one selling a ceph  from triffid ,call Ledge bay  giant ,dont  know if it triffd in UK or Triffid park  in AU ??

Taking a look at the name on Ebay it is Triffid UK.

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This isn't right . Wait until he answers this then the jury can go out or have you decided to hang him now without any jury or judge .

Nobody is executing anybody at all. There is only a question to have more info (and possibly pics) about a new Ceph with location. I am waiting for the answer but until then I trust John's knowledge regarding the cephs.

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Hay guys hold  on , I not accusing Andy of  any  thing ok , its not his fault , he can only go with what name his has been give by  the seller  as far as i can see, ok , as  I stated  ,I just want to clear some  thing up  here,  not say that any one is being misleading or  what ever,  there is  no  place called  ledger bay !!, in  the habitat area of  where cephalotus grow .


Corky  , have you found  ledger bay !! I cant ,and I been there too  and dont know of  it ?? have you a GPS or Google earth location for  it ,would welcome  the  information


just look in my FB and Marcel has  posted there  that there is  ledge bay in fact , but going  there is  no signage to say so , been there  , its a remote  road and place , but still the name is  incorrect, , that plant can not come from  the bay  , it may in-fact come from  the  Ledger Road site which is  a distance from  the Actual  bay  , ,but 100% not from  the bay area, you need to understand that cephalotus,  just dont  grow  any where , it needs very specific area,  common plants that it only grows with  and other factors to grow in , so much for Google earth , AU is still a remote un known place its seems !! so  there is a  Ledger Bay !


For me  its  like  saying Walpole is  the  Coal mine beach area , if you been there  you  know  its  just not  so , when you go to  a shop that has your  item you look for  , do  you say I'm going to south  London to buy  this  item , no  you say I am going to  Harrods or blah blah shop  to  buy  this item , its  the same here , and  the plants are in  this area are  just standard size plants.

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It actually sounds a bit like the name of seeds that Allen Lowrie was selling a few years ago.  Unfortunately I doubt I kept the list that they were on, so I cannot confirm it.


According to the information on patrolled beaches in WA, "Ledge Bay beach is on the western side of Ledge Point, WA."   Looks more north-south to me.




Ledge Bay beach (WA 392) commences on the western side of Ledge Point and curves round to the west for 2.2 km to the base of 120 m high Cheyne Head. The beach is initially protected by the point maintaining a cusped reflective beach, which grades in the west to a narrow low tide terrace as waves pick up to about 1 m. The beach is backed by a well vegetated 20 m high foredune, then the shallow 50 ha Gull Rock Lake and elongated wetland, The beach is backed by a well vegetated 20 m high foredune, then the shallow 50 ha Gull Rock Lake and elongated wetland, which occasionally flows across the far western end of the beach. A gravel road reaches the western end of the beach terminating at a small car park with no facilities.which occasionally flows across the far western end of the beach. A gravel road reaches the western end of the beach terminating at a small car park with no facilities.

Edited by Marcus B
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thing is  you have  such a large area it covers 2  parks / reserves,  Mt.Marvin  botanic Park and  Oyster Harbour Gull Rock Road Nature reserve, this is a massive area , you have 2 roads going to  the headland and beach  areas , and along  those roads some ceph sites ,which is  not close to  the beach or head land areas ( Ledger Bay ), and  who knows where the cephs were taken from any by whom ?, Ledger Bay is no indication  is just a general localized area , like saying they come from Albany ,cause this or these  parks are about 10+ times the size of Albany in area probably more , so do  they come from Mt.Marvin Botanical Park  or   Oyster Harbour Gull Rock Road Nature reserve, Ledger road  site  or  Gull rock road  Site ?? this is  the problem with using wrong location or  just generalized area names makes it very difficult to  know where a  plant actually comes from ? ,think it come with trying to hide the location or  just lack of aera knowledge ,later would stand to reason more because of  lack of signage,  this in  not a well known area or used or seen by many people  its not easy to find or navigate  .

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I may have the old price list from Allen on a disk stored away, so I will see if it matches the named giant on that, if I can find it and have not tossed it out.  I am sure that I kept it, due to the other information on the CD. 


It may well be a vague area name, like the Walpoles.

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is what I would  like to get rid off , is  the vague or  incorrect naming of  locations or area that are out there, and get it named properly ,so we dont get  all these different plants pop up with  incorrect or just silly names , or misleading names, and get some  proper structure to  naming of  the  plants,then every knows what they got and where it comes from , then call  it  the silly name or  what ever,  like  two people bay all green  or big red or  big donk , then at least you know you have a  2 people Bay ceph  and a silly name attached,  as there is  quite a variation of  plants in some 2 people bay sites    only a some thing that i like to happen.

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Richard Nunn
"Hi Dimi, if you want to cut and paste my comments into the forum that might be better, so we don't lose anything in translation.
The Cephalotus sites in this area, both of which I have visited, are on Ledge Beach Rd and Gull Rock Rd, these are both very close to each other, in fact within a few Km of each other. Ledge Beach, Ledge Point or Ledge Bay are at the end of Ledge Beach Rd and are not near the site. I don't want to be any more specific on the location to prevent poaching. To be precise the plants don't grow at Ledge Bay and they certainly aren't any bigger than any other Cephalotus so calling them giant is just a marketing stunt. The plants that are circulating in cultivation under Gull Rock and also likely this Ledge bay plant are from the site on Ledge Beach Rd and probably should be relabeled."

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Hello Girls!! Whats been going on here then??!!

Apologies for not getting involved sooner but have been away on business to the Seafood Expo in Brussels - part of the "day job".


Firstly, many, many thanks to so many CPUK Forum Members who tipped me off that things were getting heated - its been frustrating not being able to respond or even to find out what the problem was!!


So...Ledge Bay doesnt exist (according to the Thead title)??!!

Thanks to those who have pointed out in this thread that it does!

So I guess thats that cleared up then??!!


Special Well done to Marcus B for recalling that Allen Lowrie once sold these seeds!!

I can confirm he did....and I bought some! I reckon it was back in sometime around 2003-2005??? I remember phoning him up and having a long chat with him about these seeds ....and a very interesting chat it was as ever with Allen!  Ceph seeds werent that frequent on his Lists so when I saw them on there, I just had to have a go. The name on the seed packet and in the catalogue at the time was.......drum roll.......Ledge Bay, WA. And I am pretty sure that the word "Giant" was on the pack too...which is why I then transcribed all this info onto my seed pot label over a decade ago.

I then sowed the seed....nature then grew the seed.....and I now have a healthy, mature plant that I only know as "Ledge Bay, Giant"....so thats what I called it! No intention to mislead....apologies to anyone who feels they have been, or is still offended in any way.

I certainly trust Allens labelling descriptors 100% and have no resason to doubt anything he told me, then or since.


A couple of years ago I took some leaf pulls from my mother plant grown from this seed and one of them is for sale on ebay now. Its called C.follicularis "Triffid Ledge Bay Giant" and I think thats as good and as accurate a descriptor as I can give.

In terms of the use of the word "Giant", well thats what I had originally labelled it up as over a decade ago, but in reality the pitchers of my mother plant are indeed bigger than most of my other other ceph clones including my Slacks Giant, Hummers Giant and German Giant!! So, I think I am entitled to call it, or continue to call it, "Giant", arent I??


Hope that this brief explanation is acceptable?



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Andy, any chance we can see a picture of the mother plant, with something we can scale it against, so members can judge for themselves whether it is a 'Giant'? That might then stop the questioning from that aspect.

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Before anyone post a topic of this nature in the future you should make sure what you are saying is one hundred per cent true . This is the second time on this forum this as happen to Andy who I think is one hundred per cent honest person . Next time think very carefully before saying anything like this . Why didn't you asked Andy first and take it from there . Nobody should ever have to put up with this who is honest . YOU NEED SOLID FACTS FIRST ?????.

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