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Good metal music

Dave Evans

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I've been sad as there aren't many good bands out there anymore. And then I found these guys from Denver:



And while a band of metal stoners that can out play everyone being from Denver does make sense, the next one came outta left field:

Angelus Apatrida and from all places Albacete, Spain:



Their fourth album is really good.

So what other bands are out there with this level of talent? I already know about bands like Testament, Slayer, Overkill and Pro-Pain as they have been around for twenty years or more; its the newer bands I'll like to get to know...

Edited by Dave Evans
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Guest paul y

stoners? wow I never knew the punishment for adultery in Colorado is stoning!!  or am I just confusing the term with those peaceful educated inspired and thoughtful people who  pretty much threw off the chains of federal persecution because they chose to listen to the sovereign rule of fact and evidence?

how many new schools have they built now?

it appears lots of good things come from Colorado, south park has had me laughing since the mid nineties.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Colorado has a very large percentage of health minded people, so maybe they are just smarter there?  In New Jersey and other places, we just seem to be interested in perfecting corruption...

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Guest paul y

corruption seems to be multiplying like mushrooms after rain, at the least dave you live in a country where democracy due process and the will of the people actually can achieve something, your time will come years before the uk government realise that prohibition is one of the biggest ideological mistakes of mankind and they decide to tax and regulate and industry worth approx. 6 billion instead of gifting it each and every year to organised crime.

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Out of the first two I really like Angelus Apatrida. Sometimes Teamrock radio has new and interesting bands on as well as the usual. I've found quite a lot of new music just from listening to the special new band sections. Hannah

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  • 3 months later...

corruption seems to be multiplying like mushrooms after rain, at the least dave you live in a country where democracy due process and the will of the people actually can achieve something, your time will come years before the uk government realise that prohibition is one of the biggest ideological mistakes of mankind and they decide to tax and regulate and industry worth approx. 6 billion instead of gifting it each and every year to organised crime.

We do have due process, but so does every country.  I don't think the shape or kind of government is all that important.  Rather what counts is that the people in the government are there to do their jobs and not steal from the people.  Narcissists find it very hard not to abuse other people, just look at Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.  Two guys that think so highly of themselves they literally don't care if they drop bombs on innocent people--they just care about appearing to fit their roles as Commander and Chief.  Both Clinton and Bush served Al-Qaeda as near perfect requirement programs.  All they had to say was, "blah, blah, Western Corruption", and mention our two poster boys for how Western Corruption does evil to the Muslims.  As if Western Corruption didn't birth Al-Qaeda.  If not for GW's dad's work in the CIA, Al-Qaeda would never have been heard from.


When people like this get sent to jail, instead of poor people with marijuana, I'll start believing in due process again.

Edited by Dave Evans
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