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Offer (Still), and News

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Hi All,


I still have the offer of the 20% discount on website orders which is open until 10th April. To take advantage of this offer, simply enter the code HCCPSPR14 in the coupon code box which appears at the top of the shopping cart page, before you go through the address details.

I have also created a new facebook page which can be found here facebook.com/hccarnivorousplants


Please consider following us as I'll post news, the odd offer, and may even find the time to answer questions!




Nigel HC

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I will try and take advantage of the offer, but we are moving house come late April, so I must try to keep buying new things to a minimum to keep packing up to a minimum! The quality of your plants is brilliant though; I purchased one of your giant Rugelii clones last June, and it's emerging from dormancy at the moment so I am looking forward to how much taller it will grow this year compared to last season.

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