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In Reply to nothing (apparently)

Dave Evans

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Oh and who is to say, folks that experience a lot of Déjà Vu are not more likely to experience more symptoms of schizophrenia, or that frequently experiencing Déjà Vu isn't a possible sign of schizophrenia???

Interesting stuff not really related:

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Yeah well, the idea is to protect and nuture our children, right? Is there someone out there that believes we should be encouraging children to harm themselves? Some morons seem to think I'm out to hurt kids.

But I look around, and see people doing really dumb and stupid things that never get labeled for the dangers they present. One of the best examples of this is American Football. This sport injures more people in more ways than any other sport, except Boxing. To me, playing football is about as "healthy for you" as having a heavy drug habit. Yet almost every school has a Idiotball program where they send kids out onto the field to collect concussions and other life long injuries.

Why??? Oh, and having messed up joints can and will lead to painkiller dependency.

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No, not really. I will continue to educate people on what is harmful to children and what is not. Wasting time and money going after smoke and mirrors does not advance public safety. Promoting dangerous activities as "healthful" is not something I support.

I personally know five people that have permenant football injuries. One had his neck broken and is quadraplegic. Another had "broken knee" and had to use a cane to walk for the rest of his life. Wow, this just sounds great, eh? Another lost full motion in their right arm. This is as bad as smoke cigarettes for year and years. Use your brains.

Why should I chill out? How about you doing something useful like banning this retarded "sport" from public schools?

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Yeah, in 48 of 50 states, Football is King. Pretty sure it isn't King in Hawaii and Alaska. In New Jersey we cancel other team sports to give more money to football. It just hurts my brain.

Then we have to sit though endless ads while the games are on for Booze and more Booze and we don't want the ladies to feel left out so they also have lite-booze so you don't feel guiltly about drinking too much. Because washing down chips & dip and hot wings with regular beer might lead to weight gaining. Something else that actually causes permanent brain damage? Alcohol. The marriage between Coors, Budweiser and the NFL was made in heaven.

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Wonderful quote, "Less intelligent animals rely on instinct when confronted by something which they do not understand. This is an ancient survival reaction all animals, including humans, exhibit. It's a very simple phenomenon, really; think about a dog being afraid of a vacuum cleaner. He doesn't know what a vacuum is or if it may harm him, so he becomes agitated and barks at it. Less intelligent humans do the same thing. Concepts that are too complex for them to understand, may frighten or anger them."

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Well, probably not too many, but with the internet now a days? Hmm... Maybe that'll be Miley's next chapter?

I was thinking more about how Galileo Galilei was treated for identifying that the Earth moves around and Sun. Instead of continuing his investigation, he had to defend bullshit ideas under threat. Then he was put on trial for not bullshitting hard enough, then found guiltly of something that isn't a crime in the first place. How many morons did it take to move the Church that far off its own mission that they felt required to punish someone for using their intellect? Pretty dumb, and it is the same smug attitude that got Jesus nailed in place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, probably not too many, but with the internet now a days? Hmm... Maybe that'll be Miley's next chapter?

I was thinking more about how Galileo Galilei was treated for identifying that the Earth moves around and Sun. Instead of continuing his investigation, he had to defend bullshit ideas under threat. Then he was put on trial for not bullshitting hard enough, then found guiltly of something that isn't a crime in the first place. How many morons did it take to move the Church that far off its own mission that they felt required to punish someone for using their intellect? Pretty dumb, and it is the same smug attitude that got Jesus nailed in place.

it's that smug self righteous attitude that has led to religion causing more and bloodier wars then everything else int he history of mankind. I bet we could have been pottering around on mars for decades by now if we hadn't had centuries of religious horse s**t holding back scientific advancement.

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Well Silverman, that is the thing. I don't think it is "religious horse crap", but rather crazy people taking their belief(s) way too far for their own reasons. You put these personalities in any system, and they will find some way of turning it against itself and usually include some form of self promotion.

None of Jesus' sermons included hatred for gays, yet people claim so day in and out. It sickens me to listen to these dults explain they hate for their religion. When specifically asked about gay folk, Jesus say they should not be expected to marry members of the opposite sex and people should not spend much time thinking about something that isn't your business, God takes care of these things and gays are of God too and not for you to judge. Writing laws targeting gays for discrimination is clearly anti-Christian. Allow people to pick on gays in your personal life is clearly anti-Christian. Yet, most of the people "thinking about being gay too much" claim to be Christian. It just doesn't make any sense to me. These folks can't even listen to Jesus, the one they claim as God. I guess they speak for Him, not listen to his advice and even scoff at it.

Busy on the social war path, they neglectfully produce kids with this point of view:


Edited by Dave Evans
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Well Silverman, that is the thing. I don't think it is "religious horse crap", but rather crazy people taking their belief(s) way too far for their own reasons. You put these personalities in any system, and they will find some way of turning it against itself and usually include some form of self promotion.

None of Jesus' sermons included hatred for gays, yet people claim so day in and out. It sickens me to listen to these dults explain they hate for their religion. When specifically asked about gay folk, Jesus say they should not be expected to marry members of the opposite sex and people should not spend much time thinking about something that isn't your business, God takes care of these things and gays are of God too and not for you to judge. Writing laws targeting gays for discrimination is clearly anti-Christian. Allow people to pick on gays in your personal life is clearly anti-Christian. Yet, most of the people "thinking about being gay too much" claim to be Christian. It just doesn't make any sense to me. These folks can't even listen to Jesus, the one they claim as God. I guess they speak for Him, not listen to his advice and even scoff at it.

Busy on the social war path, they neglectfully produce kids with this point of view:


I think you have hit the nail on its head there dave. zealots ruin everything. a bit like the midas touch in reverse- instead of gold everything they touch turns to, well, you get the idea. I just don't get why we can't all get along. what does it matter if you love men, women both or whatever? so long as you're happy together. if everyone thought like that instead of following the bigots and idiots that tell us it's wrong to do anything they don't like then no doubt the world would be a much happier place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, found this crazy song from 2001. After listening a couple times, I thought, "Wow, this could be called 'Drug War Facts for Dummies' ".

So, who still thinks this is a good idea? Did you know people get fired for using drugs? Including Advil??? Why??? People should only be fired for using dangerous drugs. Or is this just too complicated for the average person to comprehend?

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Did you know people get fired for using drugs? Including Advil??? Why??? People should only be fired for using dangerous drugs.

Advil is a dangerous drug in certain kinds of jobs and non declaration of taking it would be a sackable offence, in some situations. Anybody working in many of the places I work should be sacked for taking illegal or some legal drugs, incuding alcohol, and rightly so. They are risking their own lives and that of their co-workers.

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No, Advil is not a dangerous drug. Well, it is dangerous to your liver. In most instances, what you are taking it for will have a much large impact on whether you can perform or not.

And that isn't the problem anyway. Advil causes false positives for various illegal drugs. So people can and are fired for trying to put in a better day at work. This is a trick to get good people to attack other good people.

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It depends on the sutuation, 100m up a distillation tower and several of the side effects of advil would be a problem and long term use can cause brain haemmorhhage, theres no such thing as a safe drug in all situations.

The false positives would presumably be with a broad range test and the results would need verification by a certified lab, if poeple are being sacked in the US from a broad range test result then thats just the sort of nonsense we expect from the US so why do i care?

Edited by manders
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Yes Manders, half the country does exactly that. Mostly the southern half. We are run by the dumb. We police the world and we shouldn't be, because we simply don't have the moral authority to be doing so. If we can't do things right, how can we expect anyone else to?

I'm not sure what "American Exceptionalism" even means, other then we are full of it.

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Manders, the US acts more like someone afflicted with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (imagine Manic Depression that cycles over hours, not days or weeks). We don't even get to the part where there are any "self-serving ends" because our government is too busy acting crazy to be bothered with actually achieving anything. They say we were in Iraq for oil. We didn't get any oil, everyone else did. You're welcome. And we still managed to screw up royally because Narcissists (George Bush and Co.) cannot make good decisions for the general population, only for their own monentary entertainment.

People with EUPD, often seem to be manipulative, but their lies are generally too shallow to be effective and their motivations transparent. Like spying on friends; just to make sure they burn bridges other people built over years for no good reasons. They will order new bridges built just to turn around and burn them. Unstable.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I had a prediction that new varieties of medical marijuana would be developed that have completely different properties from the more "normal stuff".

They actually developed a child safe strain called Cannabis 'Charlotte's Web'. And contrary to gibberish spouted here in the past about marijuana causing developmental disablities; this kind of bud is used to *successfully* treat conditions like ADHD and Epilepsy. Allowing children who would otherwise not get to go to school or benefit from being in school can actually take part and develop like normal kids! The FDA approved drugs don't work or have terrible side effects, but marijuana does work and is safely used without negative side effects. In some cases, forcing a child to undergo terrible side effects is more like abuse than giving them marijuana is or should ever be considered so. The goal is the least harm possible with the most effective treatment. Not, 'here take these pills try not to throw up your stomach lining.'

It really is time to stop acting so negative about marijuana. It isn't the boogie man. A lot of people use marijuana for many reasons, and it isn't any one else's place to make judgements about it or treat them like a criminal--all it is a kind of abuse. Rather like a replacement for racism, but employs a different excuse for treating people like garbage. It is a renewable natural resource and it is a normal human right to able to grow nontoxic plants effectively for what reason we deem useful and especially if it is for medical reasons. As already lined out in UN treaties, and so even that isn't an issue.

It only took a couple of months for them to develop a child-safe cultivar of marijuana. And they did so at the requests of parents with sick and/or dying children. It wasn't even their main project, it was a something they had put to the side and had been thinking about disposing of it and not growing anymore until the requests came in. Since it works so well for treating children who would otherwise be disabled without it, there is now interest by many breeders to see what other varieties they can also develop with these ideas and goals in mind; as opposed to just focusing on making THC rich varieties the black market exclusively breeds.

In some places you can just go to the store, buy the plants you want/need take them home a grow them. In many others, it is like taking part in the Underground Railroad getting medicine to sick kids and others because the laws are still so broken and contraditory.

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It depends on the sutuation, 100m up a distillation tower and several of the side effects of advil would be a problem and long term use can cause brain haemmorhhage, theres no such thing as a safe drug in all situations.

Yes I get that. And so should anyone qualified for that position. I'm talking about bullshit that affects the general public that has nothing to do with safety.

The false positives would presumably be with a broad range test and the results would need verification by a certified lab, if poeple are being sacked in the US from a broad range test result then thats just the sort of nonsense we expect from the US so why do i care?

The problem here is they live in states with what is the "Freedom to Work Laws", which means anyone can be fired or any reason not listed in the Federal anti-discrimination laws. Failing a bogus drug test isn't even required for firing, they just walk up and say, "you're fired, get out of here." But that might cost them in the end if they do it to too many of a certain kind of person, so they use a different approach. Taking the time to verify someone has just taken advil takes too long. As there is an endless supply of able bodies and not enough jobs to go around, wages are keep very low with very high turnover. Since most jobs give raises at intervals, the longer you work at a company, the more money you make, and so the larger of a target for this bullshit you become. Funny how "Right to Work States" are actually "Right to be Fired for Nothing and Anything States". It is funny as most states which attack their workers the most have the least economic activity. The south can't even pay its fair share of Federal Taxes because the endless regressive politics keep a productive economy from ever happening. And a lot of the work is done by illegal migrant workers further derailing the ecomonics with even more wage depression. It is actually pretty pathetic.

Breaking international laws by barring workers from organizing. Who cares though? Does the UN even say anything about it??? All it is is a smoke screen. Drug testing done in this manner allows companies to keep a high turnover without incurring a negative outlook from the very public they are abusing with a stagant economy. With the excuse of "public safety". So in this way, people can be fired for being Black, or Gay, but it is right there in black and white on a record that the reason they were fired was a failed drug test--you can't fight it and there are no unions. Some of the goons in office in the south even want to be able to have people prosecuted for the failing bogus work related drug tests. They actually want to jail some of the people for looking for jobs because they want to get the economy going? Or just more regression?

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