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pics of vfts in vitro and domestication


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Hello everyone,these pics are update of my last vfts' experiments(the former report are onhttp://www.cpukforum.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=48193).Hope you enjoy them!

dioneae muspicula ellis,growing in tap wasser culturing medium without hormons:

8_zps5189347b.jpgplantlets are too green for lacking of light but I'm sure they will get yellow-green soon under my newly purchased lamps,which are more powerful.

7_zps1a90740d.jpgthey are growing too crowed and needs seperating

07_zpse0fdba91.jpg6_zps0fe47ec6.jpg05_zps027dc7d1.jpg02_zps5fb11ec7.jpg01_zps8c9beb65.jpg00_zpscda90e99.jpg9_zps47a37cfa.jpgThere are some plants flowering in the jar,and cansequently I self pollinated them looking foward to harvest bacterium free seeds.

self pollination:

04_zpsd1d1a63e.jpg5_zps1c6773e7.jpgthese are plantslets domesticating,young plants are put on Quatz sand in combination of a little moss.In purpose of forceing plants adapt to High salt environment,The Wasser used are also tap wasser,mineral contained.My Ultimate goal is to grow this salt sensitive plant in my local without artificial intervention,and this will be disscussed in my next experiment.

1_zps6fa86b41.jpgleaf pulling,growes very slowly.

3_zpsd9296fab.jpgThese are soil forming rocks in my location.Soil they generated are well known "purple soil",which lacks nitrogen and some other nutrinents ,maily distributed in municipal chong qing or some area of sichuan provence.In my area these rocks and soil they formed are abundant so I'm trying to use this as growing medium of vfts,anticipating a nice result! In addition,these rocks will not generate CO2 when met with hydrocloric acid, implying they contians little CaCO3.

rocks(identical purple rock)

08_zps5e7a7830.jpg09_zpsd09e8fbe.jpgplants transplanted in the purple soil.I will report results(die or alive) after 2-3months later.


very sorry for the poor img quality!

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