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U nelumbifolia only grows runners


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Can anybody advise how I can encourage my U nelumbifolia to grow more leaves? I have this little colony of them as you can see and if there was a medal for growing aerial runners they'd win gold every time but they just don't seem to want to grow leaves much. Whilst they don't look in danger of dying I don't feel they are thriving either.

The main plant is in supersphag:perlite, they only get rain water, have a nightly temp drop, foliar spray occasionally with dilute orchid grow fertiliser. They're in the greenhouse so light has been bright all summer and temps have ranged from 10 to 30 or so.

I dropped a few of the main plant's runners into water and they grew and eventually produced 1 leaf each, I dropped another in sphagnum and it too grew 1 leaf, since then nothing. Has anybody any idea what I could be doing wrong.

Any help would be appreciated...




another shot...


and another...


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In nature they seem to mostly produce runners when the stolons are pushed to the outer rings of bromeliad rosettes, where they are compressed between the leaves and no water is pooled there anymore. Thus, this may be saying that you should keep your plants wetter/ submerged. Also, I believe they maybe put up more leaves during the spring.

Good luck!

Fernando Rivadavia

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Gaz,

if possible give the plant more space. I´m growing mine in a seed tray filled with live sphagnum and meanwhile it spread trough the complete tray. It even developes two flowerstalks at the moment .

If your growing space doesn´t allow using a large seed tray I´d at least recommend another smaller tray for growing this species. Also light fertilizing from time to time will help.

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