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David Attenborough's Kingdom of Plants

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Hi everyone,

I also watched part 1 of this new Sir David's series recently (yes, thank God for torrents :whistling: ). I enjoyed it very much, but at one point, I just couldn't make out one particular word, maybe due to the sound quality or to the fact that I'm no native English speaker :smile:. It's about orchids and cows at approx. 20:35, when Sir David is saying "that was a kind of warning, to warn cows not to..." - to WHAT? I searched through the Thesaurus and couldn't find any match to it. To me, it sounds like [ui'k]. If anyone could help me to solve this problem I would be very grateful :red33:. Thx in advance!

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Yeas, it sounds a bit strange/ slurred perhaps, but I think he is just saying not to EAT it, which makes sence as it refers to avoid getting stung on the tongue.

Thank you for such rapid answer :smile:.

The word "eat" was my first and best guess, but then I started to have doubts and tried to find another words which would fit better (all because of the strange 'k' at the end), like pick, tweak (which would be very informal referring to animals) or even swig (yeah, I know, I know... :biggrin: ).

I hope it will come out more clearly on BluRay.

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Yeas, it sounds a bit strange/ slurred perhaps, but I think he is just saying not to EAT it, which makes sence as it refers to avoid getting stung on the tongue.

Yes, that is how I hear it too, not to EAT it...

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