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Heterophylla seedling?


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Last year I purchased some DC (D.C. Giant Siuslaw N.F. Oregon and D.C. Tillamook Oregon) seeds from callimastix on ebay in early August and sown them straight away, they have been up for all most 6 months in which time I have sorted and pricked them out.

Before I had pricked them out I noticed that one of the seedlings (from the D.C. Giant Siuslaw N.F. Oregon batch) was showing signs of being a Heterophylla and as time went on it show the same signs and grew much slower than the rest (which from what I know is normal as they don’t have much of the chlorophyll to give them energy to grow), which leads me to ask 2 questions!

Firstly is it in fact an Heterophylla (from what you can tell from the pictures) or just a VERY pale form?

Secondly can I give it a foliar feed (I have orchids so I would use the same I would use for them) to get it growing a little faster and stronger? But also if the orchid feed is not safe to use is there an alternative I can use and how (I was thinking of using a very weak solution and a very fine paint brush to apply it)?




Thank you all for looking

From Michael

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it is much too early to tell. The proof is when you can truly tell if it is anthocyanin-free -- having a lack of red pigment in the leaves and especially the flowers.

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I don't think it is.

'heterophylla' plants tend to be a 'yellowish green' colour, not white.

I've had this in Sarra seedlings. Some seedlings are very white (as if they are lacking chlorophyll), they grow for a little while but without exception, they have all died.

Feeding may help, as I sometimes get seedling Neps which go 'white' but recover and 'green up' after a feed.

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