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  • 4 weeks later...


apart from all positive experiences in the past I´ve made a very negative one this time and sadly have to negotiate my positive feedback.


After I found this thread here a while ago and noticed that David offers some new,interesting items at his shop I´ve ordered several Drosera of the Petiolaris-Complex,but didn´t receive the number of plants I´ve ordered and paid for. Unfortunately I´ve noticed that a few days after I received my order,for I´ve been very busy last time and didn´t pot the plants in their final containers immediately.


When comparing the items I received with my invoice ( before doing that I trusted David absolutely,so I didn´t expect I had to check this immediately) and the amount I´ve paid for I noticed a missing D.ordensis,D.brevicornis,D.darwinensis and D.paradoxa "orange". I´ve ordered four D.paradoxa and received three (one plant with a side-shot which could have been counted by David as one separate plant) and two of each of the others,of which I just received one.

David sent me some extra plants of D.kenneallyi,of which I indeed ordered just one plant,but these don´t replace the missing D.ordensis,D.brevicornis and D.darwinensis!


I contacted David and asked him about the missing plants,he told me he packed the correct number of each species and it wouldn´t be "fair play" to state some plants are missing.  But why should I state David cheated me and why should I cheat him?  Our relationship has been always positive within the last years. Of course mistakes can always happen,but they should be admitted then.


It´s a very sad and disappointing experience I´ve made,for I´ve always been satisfied with the shop in the past.

There´s just to tell you to check your packet exactly after receipt concerning the number of plants you ordered and paid for.


Concerning myself I´ll never give up an order at carnivoria.eu again. :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Edited by lilacina
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Im not siding anyone but i think how david counted the plant can be 1 large or 2 young. As for missing plant. Liked i mention before above. It happeb from time to time. Either he forgot or maybe failed inspection or what so ever. I won't say he has the best attitude on business but just on the " can communicate " level. He do have alot of different plant to offer.

For everyone. Ordering from david will have to be prepared for surprises. Have free plants and expect some missing. Slow but will deliver.

Sent from my SM-N920I

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But he hasn´t the right to leave plants I have paid for just the others are somewhat bigger. He at least has to inform the buyer about that!

But not that he didn´t,he even stated he has sent the correct number of plants - what he definitely didn´t!

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But he hasn´t the right to leave plants I have paid for just the others are somewhat bigger. He at least has to inform the buyer about that!

But not that he didn´t,he even stated he has sent the correct number of plants - what he definitely didn´t!

Sorry this has happened. I hope you 2 can come to a agreement. Was the package inspected locally at customs?

Sent from my SM-N920I

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can only recommend David. He's a solid seller and even though there are some delays sometime or communication failures, it's still one of my favourite shops. Also, his prices are pretty competitive. It seems not many people know about carnivoria.eu as for example they buy BE Nepenthes from other sites for higher prices than David's. I got my N. ampullaria 'Lime Twist' last month - plant of decent size for only 20eur.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I ordered a plant, that nearly died when it arrived, and since then was slowly withering. And he denied an exchange plant. He sent it bare rooted and the roots were messed up during arrival. Beware of this seller. Buy at a place you can trust, you receive healthy well packed plants. Where you immediately get a refund if something is wrong!

Edited by Lepto
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Lepto, I have to say that even in good faith , if the seller remember clearly the good status of the plants , he does only have two options :to Believe to what You say ( and obviously He comes across all kinds of people who'd do anything just to have some more plants ) ((I'm not saying that you are one of them, but he doesn't know you))  or to believe that the mess was caused by the postman , in which case I don't think He takes responsibility, as every seller does . 
I'm very sorry you had problems, it just happens sometimes ..
I don't want to start an argument, I apologize if it seems so ..
I Hope your plant recovers !

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I sent him a message directly after receiving the plant. We decided to wait if it recovers or not, and it did not. He said he will send replacement. Then no response for 10 days until i ask...  Then he said he will send refund. Then he ignored my messages for 1 week and then told me only after being persistent, he decided not to refund anything. This behavior is very very bad!

And I told him right on arrival how the plant is, i even opened a Forum Post, to ask for help and sent him a picture. It is his fault, If he gurantees a healthy plant then he should keep his gurantee. Every good seller would do that. His behavior is total greed. 


I still advise everyone who knows orders (sent bare rooted especially) can sometimes go wrong, to order somewhere where you dont get insulted and your messages get ignored, and you dont get a refund.

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Same as Fryderik, I do not want to offend you, Lepto, but you wrote (in the separate post "beware the carnivoria.eu"): "I have constant 65% humidity and red/blue/white Led lighting, with a very good soil mixture." I think that 65% humidity is not enough for a newly acquired plant, it is close to a normal house air humidity (which is said to be 40 - 60% optimally) and is far from a natural air humidity (which can peak up to 100% during the night). Also, what is your "very good soil mixture" composed of, are you sure it is good for establishing of a new plant? And just by the way, it is usual to send plants bare rooted, potted plants are sent only very, very rarely as it is more risky (the pot can easily damage the plant).

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If a bare rooted plant gets a damaged root, it will slowly die like my plant did.

If not, it will grow well like my other plants i received did. Also at 65% humidity it will definitely not die without damage. (And i kept the plant in a plastic bag wheen i first got it so it can adapt)

Shipping with soil never damaged a plant ever, and I have ordered many over the years sent either with a little soil or in a pot.(Must have been badly packed then, when yours got damaged)

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  • 7 months later...

Dear All,

Even when you're trying to do the best always, not always succeed. I thank all of you who are presenting your opinions here. Sometimes the problem arises and I am trying to solve it in cooperation with the client. Sometimes more, sometimes less successfully - these cases are, fortunately, very little.

Problem with N. jamban I remember very well, if it is of interest to you, see below:

I do not know who it is Lepto - so I only mention the case of one client when this case may not be specifically about Lepto.          


-       Customer Alexander M. ordered in 11/2015 N. jamban 12 - 14 cm in diameter, price 60 eur

-       On the page given A. M. for complaint you can see a photograph and discussion to sent plant - N. jamban (12 - 14 cm in diameter, price 60 eur)

-       As I could see pictures on the forum, the plant was immediately after transportation in very good condition (fresh colour, solid leaves, no symptoms of any disease or damages).

-       Consignment = plant was delivered 12. 11. 2015, customer submitted a complaint in April 2016 !!!


I answered to customer:

-       I was thinking about the whole matter even more, I got the opinion that I did not make any mistake, plant you received was in excellent condition and larger than was ordered. I did not find a reason why I should be punished by sanctions and to refund the money for quality good. During the dispute on paypal i shall forward my views and facts, best regards, David


From this time I received several emails from Alexander M. (please see copy of them below):

1)    You greedy piece of sh**, if someone dies I will laugh like hell because you send plants that get damaged and then are an total a**hole. Wish you lots of cancer

2)    I still wish you cancer and that someone kills your family in any way, car accident. I am not threatening you or your family. But i Wish very well, that your suffer for the rest of your life with dead relatives slowly dying of cancer, a car accident or any other accidents or illnesses that kill them making you sad.

3)    Is someone in your family very sick? The worse he gets the more i will be happy with my whole heart, because it makes you suffer badly :) :) :)

4)    First your falimy should die in a car accident and you die of cancer

5)    Do you have children? Imagine them living in syria being tortured and then their heads slowly being cut off :) I would love if something like that happens, if you were the one who has to watch, and if they have your genes it would not be too sad any way...


If the client had a problem with me, he had this deal with me. His reactions exceeded relationship of the seller / buyer. This case I gave to our authorities a client was convicted and penalized in my country.

I am for all of you on [email protected],

best regards, David from Carnivoria

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Just to report an excellent trade that I had recently with carnivoria.eu. I ordered a couple of highlands Drosera and Utricularia. They all made it nicely to France, except for D. meristocaulis. I told David about the plant condition, and he sent me a replacement right away. Unfortunately, the plant didn't arrive in healthy condition, so he sent me a refund eventually. On top of that, David put in a bonus plant in my order -- a good-size D. spiralis with location.

I think it's important to keep on reporting bad sellers and behaviours to be warned before placing an order, but also to do the same when we are happy and satisfied. I was very pleased with this trade with David, as much with the good communication as with the quality of the plants :).


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13 hours ago, carnivoria said:

Dear All,

Even when you're trying to do the best always, not always succeed. I thank all of you who are presenting your opinions here. Sometimes the problem arises and I am trying to solve it in cooperation with the client. Sometimes more, sometimes less successfully - these cases are, fortunately, very little.

Problem with N. jamban I remember very well, if it is of interest to you, see below:

I do not know who it is Lepto - so I only mention the case of one client when this case may not be specifically about Lepto.          


-       Customer Alexander M. ordered in 11/2015 N. jamban 12 - 14 cm in diameter, price 60 eur

-       On the page given A. M. for complaint you can see a photograph and discussion to sent plant - N. jamban (12 - 14 cm in diameter, price 60 eur)

-       As I could see pictures on the forum, the plant was immediately after transportation in very good condition (fresh colour, solid leaves, no symptoms of any disease or damages).

-       Consignment = plant was delivered 12. 11. 2015, customer submitted a complaint in April 2016 !!!


I answered to customer:

-       I was thinking about the whole matter even more, I got the opinion that I did not make any mistake, plant you received was in excellent condition and larger than was ordered. I did not find a reason why I should be punished by sanctions and to refund the money for quality good. During the dispute on paypal i shall forward my views and facts, best regards, David


From this time I received several emails from Alexander M. (please see copy of them below):

1)    You greedy piece of sh**, if someone dies I will laugh like hell because you send plants that get damaged and then are an total a**hole. Wish you lots of cancer

2)    I still wish you cancer and that someone kills your family in any way, car accident. I am not threatening you or your family. But i Wish very well, that your suffer for the rest of your life with dead relatives slowly dying of cancer, a car accident or any other accidents or illnesses that kill them making you sad.

3)    Is someone in your family very sick? The worse he gets the more i will be happy with my whole heart, because it makes you suffer badly :) :) :)

4)    First your falimy should die in a car accident and you die of cancer

5)    Do you have children? Imagine them living in syria being tortured and then their heads slowly being cut off :) I would love if something like that happens, if you were the one who has to watch, and if they have your genes it would not be too sad any way...


If the client had a problem with me, he had this deal with me. His reactions exceeded relationship of the seller / buyer. This case I gave to our authorities a client was convicted and penalized in my country.

I am for all of you on [email protected],

best regards, David from Carnivoria

I´m at a loss for words!:shock: These offenses are a case for an advocate.That´s no fun anymore.

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I've bought a few plants over the years from David "carnivoria.eu" and the plants have always been very good. My recent plants I got from David this year, my Nepenthe's order were very nice and are growing great. David is a very busy man, it just requires a little patience. I'd highly recommend him, I'm a little bit of a pain in the ass to deal with as I often change my mind :rolleyes: like a kid in a sweat shop, lol. Look forward to purchasing from you again soon, I'm after some Drosera and a couple of Neps.

and just to add that guy Alexander M is absolutely disgusting, their is never any just cause to spew such filth. It just revels what a lowlife he is David, kind of lowlife that would most probably have lied in the beginning looking for a freebie and then resorted to anger when you saw through it.

You can see my little treats i got here, lol, nothing like getting new plants, Oh yeah.

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I also join to honor this shop's reputation.

I have always been treated correctly and patiently. The plants I've received are what it says in the shop and he also delivers very good extras, that usually cover the shipping cost.

He is also very understanding in my special requests, as the post in my country is shitty and I always need tracking number in order to claim.

I cannot complaint because the plants arrive in bad condition due to long shipping terms.

Here you are another happy customer. I hope you can deal with that bad person and don't be discouraged for that.


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