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Serra do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Dec2010)

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Obrigado, Paulo! :wink:

You say Genlisea violacea was growing on a wet slope with sphagnum, but I'd be grateful for a little more, if poss...? :thumright:

E.g. Any info. on day / night temp's, day length, soil type, etc.?

I'm just European - it's just too far to come and look for ourselves!


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"I"-Concur With-Everyone HERE ... We're 'Just'-'Not'-SATISFIED ... We-Want MORE-Photos .... P-L-E-A-S-E-!!! >(*U^)<

When RU Planning Your NEXT-Trip???

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Thank you all for the comments! It was such a nice trip and I'm so glad you liked the photos!

You say Genlisea violacea was growing on a wet slope with sphagnum, but I'd be grateful for a little more, if poss...?

E.g. Any info. on day / night temp's, day length, soil type, etc.?

Vic - at Ibitipoca the annual average temperature is about 18º Celsius, during the summer the maximum temp. can reach 30º but is usually lower because of the altitude (about 1400 m a.s.l.). Winter average temp. 12º C, summer average temp. 24º C. About 14h of light during summer/about 10h during winter.

The plants were growing directly on the sphagnum or in a very thin layer of organic matter with sand.

G. violacea is a annual plant, growing and flowering during the summer and dying at the end of the fall as the winter is very dry in SE Brazil. It returns from the seeds at the begging of the spring with the first rains.

It's a quite easy plant to grow.

I did many nice trips since December and I hope to post the photos soon!

All the Best,


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many thanks for that great report! I relly like all the reports from you and your brazilian colleagues! Brazil is for sure on my list of "must visit" places!

Do you have more pictures of the U. laciniata? The flower looks totally different from the form i grow.


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Thanks Christian!

Unfortunately that's the only good photo I got of U. laciniata; the light wasn't good on that day.

Utricularia laciniata vary a lot along it's distribution. Maybe you got plants from other location?

The plants from Serra do Cipó looks different from this as well, as does the plants from Chapada dos Veadeiros which have the nicest color and form of this species.

Best Regards,


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  • 1 month later...

Paulo, your pictures get better with every trip and these from Ibitipoca were simply amazing!!

BTW, for those of you who don't know the background, the hybrid villosa X tomentosa var.glabrata is relatively new, discovered by our friend Vitor Albuquerque only a year or two ago at this site. I've been hiking Ibitipoca for the past 20 years or so (last time in 2005 maybe?) and had never seen this hybrid myself, even though I've been to that exact location. So this is probably a new event. Hmmm, I think I remember maybe rubbing a villosa flower against a tomentosa flower on one of my last trips there... :)

Congrats for the pics and field report Paulo!


P.S. Your post should read "southeastern" Brazil right at the beginning.

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